
Do you think a one bedroom apartment is big enough for my husband, daughter and myself?

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My husband and I where living in a studio apartment while we saved up to buy a house. I then found out I was pregnant. I had my daughter and due to health reasons I am unable to go back to work. My daughter is six months now and I know we need to move, but because i'm not working we cant save enough money to put down on a house. Would a one bedroom work for the three of us and if so for how long? Thanks guys..




  1. Ideally i'd say a two bedroom, but giving the situation.  I'd say go wth whatever you can afford and just make it work.

  2. Depends on how big the one bedroom is. It should be fine up until the end of infancy.  After the child becomes self aware, he/she will be more aware of what is going on around her and sexual intimacy will be tricky.

    Up until about one and half or two modesty is not an issue with a child either as they still are potty training and will still need mom and dad to monitor dressing and bath time.  This is also where space will become an issue.  Your child will need his/her own place space although it doesn't have to be large. Also, this depends on how much time the child will spend at home.  If only in the evenings, then play time at home will be limited anyway.

    If there are parks nearby, or a yard with the apartment that would be good as well.  Again though, determined by whether the child will be spending time at home all day or in daycare or preschool.

    As for privacy, as the child gets older, say from about three on, they enter another stage of self awareness and want more independence.  Having their own space and their own privacy is important.  Possibly a room divider would serve this purpose for awhile.

    But I'd say by two years hopefully you would be ready for buying a house or at least moving up to a two bedroom apartment.

    Good luck\, sounds like you and your partner are very grounded and willing to take the long hard road to future stability. Its the only way and I commend your apparent maturity.

  3.     It works for right now, but not much longer.  You should be checking the laws in your county.  A large portion of child protection laws state that the adults must have a separate bedroom from the children.  

  4. It might if it has a sleeper type sofa in the living area of the house . It would probably work ok for the first one to two years . After that , you might want to look at something a wee bit larger .

  5. I think that it is Ok for now because your daughter is still young.  When she becomes older, you should move to a 2 bedroom so that she could have on own space.  The age of 3 would be a good idea to move.  Good Luck!!!

  6. That's what I currently have, and I have a 1 yr old.What I did is put the crib in the living room, and the TV in my room. I plan on staying here until my son gets in a toddler bed... as long as he's in a crib, my set-up will be just fine.

  7. I think eventually it's going to be very important for your child to have her own room. I'm a teacher and one of my 4th grade students lived in a one bedroom apartment and she had to sleep on the couch. I felt soooo bad for you. I know having a baby is different, but eventually she will need her own room.

  8. yes since the baby is only 6months but as your baby gets older you might want to look at an extra bedroom to give the baby space to play and you and your husband space. Even if your daughter sleeps in your bed or in your room. My daughter has her own room and she has a bed in my husband and my room

  9. as long as ur okay with it... it might bring you all together or ruin ur marriage.. depends on how u handle.... well don't let her sleep between u two cuz that will annoy the both of you when she refuses to sleep alone later... to save money make it work.. just keep open communication with ur husband.  

  10. I think you will be fine for at least a year or so, but eventually you will want her to have her own space. Perhaps you can use that time to save money.  

  11. Well I do think a two bedroom would be best, but if a one bedroom is what is best for your financial situation then I think you could get by with it.

  12. Yes since she is still a baby, but I would move as soon as possible.

  13. With a baby on the way, I doubt that a one bedroom will be enough. Plus, you and your husband need to have your own space...apart from the babies (not to sound mean). I think you should start looking for a bigger place...2 bedroom apartment perhaps.

  14. Im sure thats plenty big to start out. You could fix it up real nice and live there for as long as it takes to save up for a bigger place, it will be fine for the 3 of you. Good luck!

  15. You and your husband need your own room (privacy).  Sure, she is only a baby now, but they do grow up.  She also needs her own room.  I would make sure she is in her own room before she is 1 year old.  She will be walking and will need her place to play and have all her toys.

  16. Your daughter is still just a baby so yea it will work for now.

  17. u can make it work it is going to be hard at times but considering ur child is still young ur going to be fine just try to heal up and get a new job  

  18. a one bedroom is ok while your daughter is very little. She will need her own space tho in a couple of years and you dont' want to get her into the habit of sleeping in bed with you two. Hopefully you will have enough space in the apt to fix her up her own little area.

  19. yes it would for now, until she gets a little older.

  20. You can make it work.  Just don't stay in it too long.  You will need some privacy for Mommy and Daddy time when she is bigger (3-5, say).  You can do anything you put your mind to.

    Once you start working again and can save, you can always go to a bigger place.

    Good luck!

  21. no you need a 2 or 3 bedrooms. one for you and your husband, one for your daughter.  

  22. Actually it is up to you two and see how easy it is for you guys to put  payments. If your asking of how long, my opinion is that it should be till your daughter is about 3 years. You don't want her to grow up to old and be sleeping with you and your husband in the same room. It's not healthy for you.

  23. it is up to your family and their needs. if it is fine, then why put the additional strain and pressure on you or your husband. your baby is still really young.

  24. Yes it would definitely work! I would find an affordable place, then work as hard as you can to save money. Buy secondhand things, use coupons whenever you can, and try to save as much as you can. Have you ever thought of doing something like Avon, where you can do most of the work from home? (This isn't an advertisement for Avon, it's just the only company I know of for stay at home work.) This makes it easier on you if it is possible. Good luck:)

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