
Do you think a parent should be told if their teenager is?

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Do you think a parent should be told if their teenager is/ or rather put it this way, you have been told their teenager (14 yr old) is having s*x? My boyfriend has a teen daughter of that age and couple of the parents and the teenagers who know the girl have told me and a family member of mine that she has been having s*x. I had wondered because of the trouble she's gotten into and the fact that she has had boys sneeking out of the house & stuff. He does not want to believe it. He said she is a quiet girl (only around us she is) and a good girl and would never do that. He said that when we were talking one day about teens getting pregnant so young...another person we know has a daughter who got pregnant really young so the conversation came up about his kids not doing such a thing. What would you do? Keep quiet or let him find out for himself or what? She could get pregnant without protection and stuff. We have already caught her in a lot of lies and would not admit to this.




  1. I would let him find out for himself. If you try to convince him his daughter it having s*x he will not believe you and can turn out not talking to this person again (even if it is family) It's always better off letting someone find out for himself

  2. tell him 1oo% because she(his daughter) shouldnt be doing that and allso if he loves you as his gurl and he trusts you etc.. then he should belive you that his daghters having s3x i mean what the h**l!!!


  3. I would definitely tell him.

    this is the one thing where it's OK to "stick your nose in"!!

    Plus, what if she ends up pregnant?  And YOU could've interfered before it happened!  He may be mad at first, but it would be worse if he found out because a call from her gyno.

    You could always talk to the 14 y/o too!!

  4. I would tell him.  It is the daughter's best interest.  He may not believe you but at least you knew you did what you could to bring this to his attention.

  5. If I were a parent, I would definitely want to know if my teenage daughter was having s*x, just for the sake of wanting to know what is going on with her. However, I really wouldn't be able to stop her, would I? Maybe, if she gets pregnant, she would learn her lesson. You said that she lies frequently, so talking to her would do nothing. Let her do what she is doing (you honestly don't have to intervene, as you are not her mother), let her learn from her mistakes. But, tell her father. He needs to know. Even though you think he won't believe you, you need to tell him.


  7. Yes, a parent should be told if their underage daughter or son is having s*x.  It's a parents job to ensure the safety and well-being of their child.

  8. wow tell him

  9. well if he says she will nver do anything like that then let him find out himself

  10. It depends. If s/he's able to be responsible and use the appropriate contraceptives, then no.

    If they aren't using contraceptives, then yes.

    And a girl being "quiet" doesn't mean anything. Also, a girl having s*x does not make her "bad" as your boyfriend put it.

  11. yes absolutely

  12. If you feel that your boyfriend will not believe this about his daughter, perhaps you should talk to her yourself.   But don't do it in a confrontational way.   Just say to her, "I know a lot of girls your age are having s*x, and I think maybe you are, too.  I'd like to help you protect yourself, so that you don't get pregnant or contract any STDs.   I'm going to drop you off at Planned Parenthood so you can go in and talk to them privately."    I suspect that she will be very grateful for your help in this matter.

  13. Well, it totally depends on the parent on if they should know or not. Some parents can't handle it, and some can. It looks like her dad can't handle it, since he won't believe you. You've told him, and it's his fault he doesn't believe you. I would have the people that she's told talk to her, because she can obviously trust them. Just have them make sure she's being careful. And when the dad is ready to find out, he'll believe you. Hope I helped

  14. I would let him find out for himself.  It won't be any use to tell him because he won't listen.  Remember the quote, "You can't talk about the sea to a frog that is stuck in a well."

  15. sit and talk to her nicely and say that you have been told she is having s*x but if she says she isnt you trust her (even if you dont) say that if she is that you are ok with it (even if your not) as long as she uses protection and if the condom ever broke that she tells u so u can get her the morning after pill. also say that if she is please to tell you now so you can get her some contraception pills and that if she ever gets pregnant that ure there to help. also that if she has had s*x without protection to tell you so u can get her checked for STDS and also warn her about the dangers. if ure boyfriend dusnt beleive you about the s*x thing then just talk to her alone (but i would talk to her alone anyway coz she may be unconfortable infront of her dad. this is how i would like to be talked too if i was doing that  and i am 12. my mate said she had s*x with a 17 yr old (she is a bit bonkers) and this is what i sed 2 her (kind of)

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