
Do you think a top 200-pound MMA fighter could beat a 200-pound gorilla?

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Do you think a top 200-pound MMA fighter could beat a 200-pound gorilla?




  1. No!  The gorilla would have a lot more brute strength and would naturally be a lot tougher.

  2. No doubt, because a 200 pound gorilla would be a starving gorilla without any muscles, possibly barely enough to hold its own self up.

  3. Is that the paris hilton of gorillas?

    The gorilla is small for its size, and the man is big for his size most likely...but the gorilla might possibly still win because all species of monkeys/gorillas are stronger than people for their size.

  4. gorillas would like crush him with his hands cus his hands are about double the mma fighters size

    he floats like a butterfly but he stings like a bee

  5. the MMA fighter would get killed in like 1/2 sec gorillas are way stronger than a person

  6. Human wins!!!

    The gorilla would come out throwin haymakers and the human would dodge a couple and shoot for a leg. After he got the takedown he would swing into an ankle lock and the gorilla would tap at (1 min and 12 seconds via ankle lock)

  7. no.

  8. don't be stupid.... he couldn't. Gorilla muscle fibers and body mechanics are different than human beings, and allows the all simians to have much more strength than humans.

  9. A healthy fully grown gorilla no, but a 200lb one probably, a gorilla of that size would have to be old as h**l starving on its death branch, unless it's only 200lbs because it's young then it would kill the guy, again. So I think it depends young or old 200lbs

  10. The better question to ask is: After the fight, will Charlton Heston and the Apes put this feud aside, shake hands, and go on with their lives?  Hasn't this gone on long enough?

  11. NEVER!!!!Even if it is a tiny midget 200lb gorilla... he couldnt even beat a Chimp to be honest.  Theyve shown that if you had a really pissed off Chimp and he decided to grab your wrist, he could letterally rip off your arms...No Joke!  I saw it on Animal Planet, Serious ****!

  12. NO

  13. h**l no

  14. Nope. The gorilla would stomp the guy into the dirt. Gorillas are just built sturdier.

  15. Unless he had an rpg id say no,no,no way

  16. who really cares?


  18. gorillas fight dirty.

  19. Nope...

    The gorilla is to intelligent!

    BTW: 200 lb is a VERY small gorilla.

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