
Do you think a tween can take care of a rabbit?

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Do you think a tween can take care of a rabbit?




  1. If the tween is responsible and is willing to feed/clean up after the rabbit, then I don't see why not. My best friend has had her rabbits since she was in Grade 4, and she's in Grade 11 now and has always taken care of them. Rabbits are relatively easy pets to take care of, just as long as your clean their litter box, give them fresh water daily, and provide them with the food they need. You can check out some websites I listed under sources for more information on how to take care of rabbits.

    Also, before you take on the responsibility of owning a rabbit (they live for a long time!), try purchasing a goldfish and showing your parents how responsible you are by taking care of it. This also helps prepare you to have another pet. At the same time however, rabbits are still somewhat difficult to care for. They require a lot of attention, and need a pretty large cage to live in. Hamsters, mice, gerbils, geckos, hedgehogs, and guinea pigs probably make for easier pets than rabbits. If you've got your heart set on a rabbit, take some time to think about the responsibility that comes along with owning a pet, then wait until a school break (like spring break, Christmas, summer vacation...) to get one so that you can get used to taking care of a rabbit without being in school. I hope this helped you, and good luck ;D

  2. I did when I was a tween, but the person in question must be very responsible and dedicated to the idea of the pet. It can't just be a passing impulse to want the pet. Also, the parents should be interested in the rabbit as well and be willing to provide vet care if needed and to take care of the rabbit if the tween loses interest.  Getting a rabbit for a tween is better than getting a bunny for a 6 year old, though.  

  3. Sure! I'm a tween and I think I'm going to get a rabbit. My mom had TWO when she was like 12, and they were fine! I would suggest getting a wire cage, but put newspaper and lots of hay and then the poo and pee can just fall through onto a tray and then you clean that. They can be trained to do tricks and use a litter box!

  4. If they are responsible, have enough time to give it plenty of attention, and are willing to clean the cage and bowls enough, then YES they can.

    My friend had a rabbit and took good care of it when she was a tween.

    Edit: Oh and GOOD JOB putting it in the Other-Pets section. I see a lot of people putting rabbit questions in the Rodents section. Rabbits aren't rodents they are lagomorphs.

    v Wire bottoms are actually bad for a rabbit's feet. For the rabbits I'm getting I just have trays you can take out (with out the wire). If you MUST get a wire bottom I'd recommend a couple rabbit straw mats. They're easy to clean and it gives them a break from the wire bottom when they want.

  5. YES.. my daughter had one

    BUT parents MUST be willing to help and remind the kid to take care of it..

    some kids will be better than others of course..

    here is a good bunny link

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