
Do you think a war between Russia and the U.S.A. is possible?

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Do you think a war between Russia and the U.S.A. is possible?




  1. Extremely possible, except it won't just be with Russia it would include China and the Middle East. If people in the U.S. don't get smart and stop voting in the neocons like Bush and heaven forbid McCain, WWIII is a definite possibility.  

  2. McCain's stance surely indicates so, but I don't think that's what ANYBODY wants or needs. Certainly not our already stretched-thin military.

  3. maybe anything possible  

  4. Yes, very much so.

  5. anythings possible, russia may make alot of noise buts it defunct military wont stand a chance against the latest Western technology the west possess like satelites, laser guided technology, electronics etc..

    better still they could just bribe Russian generals to drop their arms with money and passports like they did to the iraqi generals.

    NATO needs to put a puppet goverment in Moscow now only then will America be secure as a superpower for the next 200 years.

  6. it is possible,

    and there is good and bad news

    the good news is our armour and air power are far superior.

    even though our forces are stretched thin the ones we have have far more battle experience at this point.

    the bad news is the troops we do have would be extended indefinitely and we would have to draft.

    bottom line is without air and armour superiority the russians would be done.

  7. The answer is 'NO'. Possible but no...

  8. Yes, A world war is possible.

    Russia luckily doesn't have the air force training, and updated tanks like we do... so we might actually stand a chance. That is.... if they don't gang up on us.. you know everyone. Because we seem to really be the popular ones.

  9. Yes, it would be advantageous for the US to knock Russia's Military back another 50 years beyond the 30 that they already are. Russia's expansion goals actually make that a feasible possibility right now. Russia should have waited another year or two and modernized their forces.  

  10. Anything is possible but I seriously doubt it will ever get that far from this silly little Georgian conflict. The Western media is playing this up so they can back anti-Russian propaganda around the world because they don't support the U.S. as the Georgians do. If a pro-West country invaded a hostile to the west country than the tables would have been turned in the media as there would be praise and US aid sent right away, even though the pro-west country would have to get approval through the UN through silly rumors, *cough* US into Iraq. I believe the anti-Russian thing is getting blown up is because they do back countries like Iran. A country the US has its next sites on, or the US is trying to create another Cold war to help put fear back into the people of the world. A population in fear is easier to control, don't believe anything you hear from the media as Russia had a good reason to go into Georgia. Read more up on the conflict and you too will see why Russia had a good reason other than "bullying" or "trying to re-create the Soviet Union".

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