
Do you think abortion is a (A) Fetus's body issue (B) Woman's body issue and why?

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Please dont assume people abort only eggs or sperms or zygots. Abortion is carried out at much later stages of fetal life in majority of the cases.




  1. It's the baby's body tissue.  It can even have a separate blood type from the mother, so how on Earth can anyone say it's the mother's tissue?

  2. Does a fetus have rights?  Some say yes.  But if true, when that female fetus becomes a woman and pregnant, why do her rights suddenly end?

  3. A all the way. even with sad things like rape.

  4. I'll be honest; I don't know.  I have gone both routes with pregnancy and let me tell you:

    After having my son I felt SO much worse about the abortion I had 7 years earlier.  I think the answer to your question depends on the kind of person you are.  At 15, all I cared about was myself.  At 22, I couldn't imagine aborting a baby and was filled with grief over how I acted in the past.  The older I get, the most against abortion I am.  I guess if I had to choose an answer, I would still pick (B).  I think women should have the right to choose, but it is a decision that most enter into very lightly.  Even at 15, I was very depressed for about 6 months afterward.

    To anyone that is contemplating this decision, please be honest with yourself and ask "Can I really allow myself to do this to my child?"

  5. It's a moral and ethical issue.

  6. innocent baby issue.

    The mother is just the carrier, renting out space in her body for the babies body.

  7. Biologically, a fertilized egg is an organism, not just tissue.

    But the biological beginning of a human life is not necessarily the ethical beginning.

    Personally, I believe a fertilized human egg is ethically a human being.   Nevertheless, I believe abortion should be legal.   If a 10-year-old child needed an organ transplant, and the only possible donor was the child's mother, I would not compel her to donate an organ.   For the same reason, I would not compel a pregnant woman to donate her uterus to the continued survival of her unborn baby.

    Bad reasons for pro-choice:

    (1)  The world is over-populated.

           - It isn't.   If it was, I'd start by eliminating evil adults

             rather than innocent babies.

    (2)  It's just a lump of tissue.

           - No, it's a human organism.

    (3)  It's the product of incest.

           - Don't punish the child for what you think are the sins of the parent.

           - If you're trying to outlaw possibly "defective" children, that's the first step on the road to n**i eugenics.

  8. It's a woman's body issue.  In other countries, abortion is an acceptable form of birth control and not controversial in the least.  America's puritanical history shouldn't dictate what today's woman can and can't do.  I feel the need to speculate that if men got pregnant, abortion would not be an issue.

    In addition, an embryo, zygote, fetus or whatever you want to call it cannot live outside the female body, making it part of the female body, thus making abortion a female body issue.

  9. a womans. a zygote cannot sustain itself outside of the womans body.

  10. Neither - it is a separate body tissue growing in / feeding off the woman.  If it was her own tissue, it would be a tumour, or a virgin conception :-)

  11. It's fetal tissue, but it resides within a woman's body. The woman's body builds the placenta which sustains the fetus. In the early stages of pregnancy, it's a little tricky to determine where a fetus' tissue begins and the woman's physiology ends.

  12. A. It is the life of the baby, not the mother's. She should not have the choice to let it live or not because it isn't "her body" she is killing, it is the baby's.

    "It's NOT her body and her choice"

  13. Abortion is not going to go away, legal or not.    

    88% of abortions are done in the first 9 weeks.   98% are done in the first 13 weeks.  Those done after 13 weeks are usually done for fetal defects or imminent harm to the mother.

  14. Hmmm....well, it's not an issue at all; it's a right, and it's a right of women only.  Why?  Because it's a woman's body.

  15. Just letting you know since you said "Please dont assume people abort only eggs or sperms or zygots. Abortion is carried out at much later stages of fetal life in majority of the cases."

    Most abortions (88%) in the USA are before 24 weeks, late term abortions are only done when medically needed, the source for this statistic can be found here:

  16. Well life is life.   However developed something is, it is still a living organism.

    When that organism goes from living to NOT living, then there is no "debate."

    A death has occurred.

    That's inarguable.

    Living one minute & dead the next.

    The people that try to argue that a "lesser-developed" life has fewer rights than a "more-developed" life aren't arguing from a sound platform.

    So I'm going to go with "A" on this one.

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