
Do you think (about fathers abandoning there children)?

by  |  earlier

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that by allowing men to leave there children without even opening a child support case or not forcing a father to actually pay for there child support(by threating jal time) sends a message to other men that they can leave too, leaving more and more mothers with the resposiblty to raise children by themselve. i know in the end noone can control what someone else does but there are alot of pepole not even trying




  1. instead of abandoning a child, I think it is much more respectable for the man to sign over his rights to the child saying he does not want this baby or any responsibility.  but so many mothers won't allow a man to do that.  which I think is terribly wrong, considering a mom can make the choice of giving a baby up for adoption or having an abortion without the father's permission. :(

  2. You should be careful when you generalize, people so everything for different reasons, some may not know their rights, some want nothing to do with the father, some are just one night stands and the mother doesn't know who the father is, etc.

    The way your saying it is as if it's a trend, and it's not. Not all men are getting women pregnant for sh*ts and giggles.

  3. No, This is a problem that will never be resolved because women continue to have kids with deadbeat men. There generally is a clue that the guy is an idiot in the first place. Also men really do not have any rights during a pregnancy so who knows if the man even wanted the child in the first place. A man who didn't want the child is more likely to be a deadbeat.  

  4. My first question to you: Are you a single mom?  Some woman don't open child support cases because they can support there own children.  You can't put every man in that category.  Some men want to take care of there children but the woman keep them away from them.  Also Woman do the same thing also not paying child support you just don't hear about it to much. So it goes both ways and the other question why are you so worried about the ones that's complaining? Are you in that situation and if not you need not too worry let them complain because everybody complains about something every day.

  5. You know is alos mothers that abandon their kids. My ex-wife has only seen the kids 3 times in the last 2 years. She does not pay the child support she is supposed to pay and just doesn't do anything for the kids. I have custody.

    I do not understand how either a mother or a father could up and leave their kid. I live for my kids not myself. I could not see myself away from them.  

  6. Not always.  Some women don't even try becuase the relationship was abusive or unhealthy in some way and it is better off for the child not to know the man.  So, no, it's not always sending a bad message.  

  7. A man or women who can just walk away from their own flesh and blood does not care about anything. They are worthless to society.

    To answer the question......leaving a child, abandoning a child is not in the human makeup of most people.......these people are missing a "chip" doesn't matter what "Johnny from the block" does.

    DADOF3** that is not true. A father can prevent both abortion and adoption from taking place. If all people would protect themself from unwanted pregnancy in the first place, we would not need either.

    To the thumbs down person......tell me one way a person who abandons their children is of any worth to **society**. In fact, they are one of the reasons why our **society** is the way it is......I do not mean that in a positive way.

  8. That's not true. You have to look at the other things that come along with recieving child support such as visitation.  

  9. No because there are a lot of women who can put their child up for adoption or give up rights and leave them for someone else to take care of. I think that everyone man and women have the right to be parents or not, now that doesn't mean its ok to go out and sleep around and make babies then not take care of them I'm not saying that at all, but I think just like women have a choice because its their body if they want a child and they have options men should have the same right. I know lots of women who trap men and get pregnant and then try to use a baby to hold over a guys head, and the men are virtually left with no option but to be strung along through the courts. I believe that if a man tells a woman in her first trimester when she still has time to decide if she wants to be a single mother or not, then he cant be held financially responsible for a child she knows he didn't want. She made the choice to keep it and go through with the pregnancy then she should be responsible. Its no different if a man gets a girl pregnant and he wants the baby but he doesn't and she goes and gets rid of it, he has no say so.

    we have to be fair here, women we cant keep crying victim every time we get knocked up and the man walks away, because we have a choice to make him use protection, or keep our legs closed, it takes two to lay down and have s*x, so we have to be more conscious of who are laying down with, and protecting ourselves, its time we hold ourselves accountable for being stuck with these children. You have to go into s*x like a business deal, if he walks away will you be able to take care of that child without him, if the answer is no then maybe you should look in to a vibrator, so you dont risk, being stuck raising a child alone. we have to set the stage for how we want to be treated, and how we want our lives to be.  

  10. If a father is okay with abandoning his child, perhaps the child is better off without him.  What kind of a father would he be anyway, if he can abandon his kids without a second thought.  I don't think allowing this to happen sends a message to other fathers, if they are irresponsible enough to abandon their kids, then they are irresponsible and it has nothing to do with what everyone else is doing.  

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