
Do you think acrylic french tips are appropriate for a 12 year old?

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I want peoples opinions.




  1. No.

  2. 12 is an appropriate are for this sort of thing for a special occasion (the first day of middle school or report card time as a reward for GREAT grades) BUT it is too young to have them done an a regular basis.  

  3. If she is mature enough yes

    I got mine when I was 13 and I was sooo careful with them.

    i think you should try it and then you can tell how responsible she will be with them

  4. Um No, ur 12..wait until your older

  5. I had tips when I was in 7th grade (now I'm in 11th and have them again).  I believe I was 13 then.  I'd say yes as long as they're small and you can find them cheap.  Getting them on for me was like 50 dollars.  I found a place that charges 16 dollars for fill-ins and it is very convenient to get them filled.  So, yes if they're not too expensive or too long.

  6. i personally think.. to young

  7. No, they're trashy at any age!

  8. No, but I'm 13 and all the girls at my school have had them since 6'th grade. I dunno, things are just a little messed up these days. My final answer is no though.

  9. totally

  10. I think it's fine, I know lot's of people that have done that when they were young .

    And they were even younger .

    Good luck !

  11. noooo too young :(

    the appropriate age to start is 15

  12. mm i say don't mess up your cuticles at

    a young age. stick to just painting your


  13. Heaven's no. They probably aren't appropriate for anyone else, either, but that's another story.

  14. y not

    let the girl have some fun

    but as a once and a while thing

    nt an everyday thng

  15. As long as they're not too long.


  16. ya my sis got them and shes 12

  17. Not unless she wants to try to look older than she really is. Which really does NOT something you want to do, especially at your age. You might come across differently than you intended, if you know what I mean.

    If you don't, then what I mean is that girls your age who try to appear older than they are are often viewed as s***s. Don't jump my case for saying it, I'm just repeating what I've seen and heard many many times.

  18. They take so much work! I got some when I was around 13, and they only lasted a few days until they broke off. I'm 20 now and still not careful enough to wear them, although I do get them for special occassions like prom and stuff.  

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