
Do you think adoption is a good thing?

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what does every1 think about adoption?




  1. To me, it depends entirely on the circumstances.  If the child's birth parents are deceased and they have no living relatives to take care of them, I think adoption is preferable to sticking them in an orphanage.   In some other cases I think it's a good thing, too.  But, I believe it's always preferable that the birth parents keep them, if it's at all possible and doesn't pose a danger to the child.

  2. yes i do... i gave my son up for adoption when he was born b-cuz i was unable to care for him at that time.  the man who adopted him has given him the world.  much more than i could ever have done.  i did it because i loved him and wanted the best.  my son knows me and calls me mom, i just am not his care giver.  adoption can be a blessing.

  3. It is excellent. I would do it if i were married.

  4. I think adoption is a wonderful thing. If the mother's aren't capable of supporting a child, and they aren't willing to kill their baby, they put it up for adoption. And I think it is wonderful. There are millions of families out there who can't have any children so they need to adopt, and personally I think that these women are these families hero's.

  5. I have said the same thing in other similar questions....

    Adoption is a positive outcome to a negative situation.

    In an ideal world, all birth parents would have the means and the character to be a good parent.  In an ideal world, no children would lose their parents, be abandoned, or be neglected/abused.  But, in a world that is less than ideal, adoption is a solution that offers the best hope.

  6. I think so. It helps kids who don't have parents, and people that want to be parents that just can not have kids. It can also make a family larger - it can give love to children who so desperately need it.

  7. Yes, in some circumstances and when it is absolutely necessary, as a very last resort

    I do believe it's a 'sad-option'  but sometimes a necessary one.

    I do not believe the way adoption practises in the United States is a 'good thing' No.  and I don't believe in procuring babies for private paying customers when there are thousands of children waiting in foster care who deserve to have a stable and loving home to go to.

  8. Adoption was a good thing for my mom and it will be a good thing for hubby and me, but, I also recognize that it will mean a loss to our child.

    In general it can be a good thing when done for the right reasons and in an ethical manner.

  9. The ones that say it is a good thing, tend to get thumbs down around here, but I have to say for ME AND MY CHILDREN, it is a good thing. I am adopted and have 2 adopted children. I know that is is hard for the birth mom- we met both of my children's. However, I also know I am very thankful, even if they were not placed in our home, that they chose life- both of them were getting pressured from most of the people that they knew- to get an abortion.  There are so many couples that cannot have children- and there are so many women who get pregnant, but cannot raise their children- so what is wrong with adoption? Would abortion be better?- it takes the life a baby.

  10. i deffinately think its a good thing.  are you kidding me??

    every child deserves to have a loving parent or parents.  

    i don't even want to think where i would be if i hadn't been adopted.

  11. I think adoption, in a small number of cases (relative to the large numbers of adoptions that take place in the U.S.), is sometimes a NECESSARY thing.

    It is always an unfortunate thing.  Adoption only occurs because a child loses or is removed from his or her first mother.  If a child is orphaned, we all recognize that a tragedy has occurred.  The same should be true for relinquishment.  

    It may be necessary sometimes for the welfare of the child, but relinquishment is always tragic, and adoption is predicated on relinquishment.

  12. I think if a person gives their child up for  adoption to give him/her a better life  is doing a very good thing for the baby.

    there are a lot of great people out there that would love to have a baby. why should anyone keep a baby that is not ready or able to care for it?

    i think adoption is a great thing.

    i did it. and i don't regret it. he was adopted at 2 yrs old. now is 27.  he had (has) a wonderful life thanks to his adopted parents.

  13. Yes! It's allowed my family to be brought together.

  14. Is it a good thing?  Yes and no.  Reality is not that black and white.

    My adoption was good for my first mom, who would otherwise have been ostracized; and good for my a'parents, who got to raise a kid.  And it was good for me because I got parents willing to understand me rather than expect me to replace the child they could not have.

    Adoption was bad for my first mom, because she never got over the guilt and the idea that she had sinned; and it was bad for my a'parents because the fact that I was not related to them was confusing for them; and it was bad for me to grow up with no idea who I was or where I came from.

    I know people who were adopted by schizophrenics, or abusive people.  I know first mothers whose babies were taken very much against their will.  I know of a'parents who thought adopting would "cure their infertility" or whose adopted kid sexually abused other family members.

    So you tell me--good or bad?

  15. amosunknown: There are a TON of children sitting in foster care right now who do not have homes.  Yes, there are more parents wanting babies then babies available right now, however, there are NOT more parents then children available.  If abortion were to be made illegal MORE children (note I did NOT say babies) would age out of the foster care system without ever knowing a family.   Of course then, all those people who want a perfect blue eyed "angel" will be able to pick and choose their baby.  How sad for those not so perfect children, don't you think?

    I think adoption has its place.  It can be a wonderful thing if the child is a true orphan or has been removed from his/her biological parents due to massive abuse or neglect.  I personally do not believe there is much a TRUE need for newborn domestic adoption at this time in the United States.

  16. I am all for Adoption, for without it Me and my hubby would not be parents.

  17. Do I think adoption is a good thing.   I have six children, five of them adopted from birth.  My life has been so full of love through the years, I loved every minute of it.   My life is full and joyful, which it would not have been had I not adopted my wonderful children.  I loved everything about motherhood and I am now loving everything about being a grandmother.

    All of my children were unique, and all chose their own path.

    They are all adults now, with happy and content lives and I still feel that my life would not have been anything, without them in my lives.

    How could it not be a "good", if the parents are "good" and loving parents.  All children need love, attention, time, understanding, forgiveness, and unconditional love as they are growing into adult hood.  

    You new mothers, with young babies now, relish this time, because they grow up so fast.  Enjoy changing their diapers, enjoy every moment you spend with them.   My oldest is now 43 and I look back on the time that they were all babies and see that it was the best time of my life.  Now is also the best time of my life, because of my wonderful adult children and my grandchildren.  Adoption is for life, your life and their life and you can make that life a joyful, wonderful experience by giving them all the love you have, or you can make it a sad experience by giving them very little time.

    Yes, I think adoption is a VERY good thing.

    TO SUNNY - I feel sad for you, because you have not had the love and attention that my children have had.,  They are happy, content adults who have given the love they received, to their children.  Think this out if I were you, because I know what horrible experiences children have had, by being kept in a family that really didn't want them, or love them.

    Of course, there are the rare adoptive families who treat there children like possessions, but from what I have seen that is percentage wise, rare.

    If you had been my child, I would have loved you with all my heart and you would now be a loving, caring person with no bitterness in your heart at all.

    If you did have a sad life because of the way you treated when adopted, I offer you my understanding and my love.

    "Forgive them for they know not what they do"

  18. Somebody once told me that adoption isn't in anyone's best interest.  It's just the least worst option.  I completely agree.  Adoption takes away a child's right to know their identity, it takes away someone's child, and the adoptive parents sometimes get hurt when they child wants to seek out their birithparents.  There's a lot of hurt there.

    I personally don't agree with adoption or abortion.  I think people need to learn how to use contraceptives or remain abstinent until marriage.   I know a lot of people will be angry I said that, but the truth is if more people did that there would be a lot less children in foster case and orphanages or adoptees desperately searching for the truth right now.

  19. I think it can be. Sometimes it isn't. Each situation is different.

  20. Y'know, everytime i here people on here complain about adoption, I sit and have a chuckle to myself in total dis belief.

    Where do these "anti adoption" people expect the children to go if they are not adopted? Have a heart, give a kid a chance.

    Adoption in my eyes, is not wrong. I think it has been a great thing for myslef and many other adoptees out their.

    Adoption is fine.

  21. most definitely

  22. Yes it is. Where would these children be if there weren't people out there willing to take them and create a family with them. Not all can or should be with bio's. Fact of life. There are good adoptive parents and bad. No different then with bio's. Fact of life some people shouldn't have kids.  Adoption is a good thing. It's just some of the practices and rules and regulations that need some work.

  23. i think people should use the "search for questions" feature prior to posting redundant questions...;-/

    -adoption works best when it's done for the purpose of providing parent-less kids with parents; and not providing child-less parents with children.

    also...all those kids waiting in foster care are there because NOT MANY PEOPLE WANT KIDS...they want babies fresh out the oven.  and i don't care if 6 billion people have approved homestudies, no woman is required to gestate a kid because someone can't reproduce on their own!  

    and the abortion rant is so tired, btw...*yawn*

  24. Its something we fully plan to do to add to our family.

    Every child is wanted and has a home, despite what abortion chanting liberals will tell you. You can google the statistics yourself. Theres more approved homes than babies in the US at this point. Of the 1000 who dont get adopted each year, most are almost 18, and the rest have severe emotional or medical issues and will remain in state care.

  25. Adoption is built on loss.  So, no, it should be avoided as much as possible.

    Here's a good article that highlights much of what's wrong with adoption.  It is about adoption in Australia, where adoption has been reduced, intentionally, by massive numbers.

    Here are some more sites where you can learn more about adoption in America.

    ETA For the adoptive mommy to all:  Please save your compassion for someone else.  I am not the kind of person who adoption would have 'worked' for--ever.  There was no replacement for my mother.  I am truly LUCKY that I have her in my life, and have had for 20 years.  I wish your adoptive children had the same luck, but I doubt they have that freedom.

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