
Do you think after the us election that there will be any Immigration reform ?

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Do you think there will be changes to immigration laws in respect to illegal immigrants who have been living in the USA for more then 10 years ?




  1. The last massive Amnesty of illegal immigrants was passed by a Republican.

  2. h**l no, it's not like the president can grant amnesty or reform on his own, and look at what happened the last times they keep bring up reform or Amnesty, defeated,

    American aren't stupid, we don't want anything to do with that stuff. If people are waiting for residency, the will be waiting forever.

    But hey, they can hope all they wan LOL>

    If they Gov needed them, they wouldn't call them illegal.

  3. Yes, since he is presedent then he will try to change things. He just want you to vote him.

  4. Obama can't grant Amnesty, the president doesn't have the power, and it will never pass Congress just like always.

  5. it is the same **** all the time....and it always will

  6. Yes, it's obvious that the times have changed and so do the immigration laws. Something will be done. I don't see 20 million people being deported.

  7. if they really wanted to get rid of us dont you think we been kicked out by now??

    the GOVT. knows they need us

  8. Most likely, a bill on immigration reform together with border security will be passed.

  9. yep, they will get residency

  10. as far as I'm concerned obama has already won by a landslide, and there will be MASSIVE reforms, on all levels. He will grant amnesty to those who already live here, no matter if they've been here 2 weeks or 20 years, and then he'll pass something to make it easier to become a citizen. He'll probably create some "immigrant farmer life-is-so-tough" scholarship too. And he'll give tax breaks to companies that hire immigrants.  

  11. I think both the presidents are desperately trying to keep the immigration issue between the Catholic Church, La Raza, the Lobby Groups and the Mexican Government.  When it gets to the Democratic Convention, the whole ball of wax could come unraveled in a heartbeat.

    In the meantime, this guy is doing well.  Give him a look.


    Throughout his distinguished career, Bob Barr has proven that he is the leader Americans need to restore confidence of the American people in the future of their nation. Both working for the American people as a Congressman from Georgia and afterwards partnering with groups dedicated to protecting civil liberties, Bob has shown a commitment to shrinking government and giving power back to the people.

    Bob Barr could actually stop the freaking lobby groups in their tracks.


    In the meantime, if you are caught before any new laws are made.. and I don't think they will.. you will be deported from this country, and barred for a number of years.  If you are illegal, go home and apply before you are caught.

  12. Obama will kill this nation, that fool isn't qualified to run an ant farm.

    I'm voting for McCain along with he rest of the people that love America, not the ones that want uncontrolled invasion. That's jacked up.

  13. This is what McCain thinks of illegal immigration.

    Hope the video helps

  14. Both of the candidates are wusssies. They are wussies on everything including immigration. Whoever gets voted in better do something about all these illegals, if not, Americans will. Now keep in mind it starts with our senators and congressmen, so anybody reading, do write them. I think McCain will do more then that passifying Obama, but like I said, neither are as good as Ron Paul.

    EDIT - I love Dr. Illegals man crush! I want him to email me so I can ask him a very serious question.

  15. If the voting public has its way the borders will be fully protected, illegals (criminals that have illegally entered the nation) will be deported and those that have been working through the legal channels to join us in a law abiding way will be allowed to join us in the greatest experiment in social order.  

    If Obama, the world citizen, wins the rule of law will be subverted and the borders will be opened as a precursor to a no borders, one world mess,  

    That's what I think!

  16. I don't think so.Barack Obama is a smart person but I don't think he realizes that illegal mexican immigrants are being exploited by people here and how that is hurting them and American citizens.As much as Obama talks about how he worked on the streets of Chicago helping people find jobs he doesn't grasp the problems of the working class.If he did he would realize that illegal immigrants being underpaid and accepting less money for work is directly effecting the pay of American citizens.He isn't in touch with illegal immigrants or working class Americans and he shouldn't be condescending to them.I do believe that John McCain will secure the border because he is aware of the the border problems being from Arizona.Both of the candidates are unsympathetic to the people that illegal immigration is effecting and I don't think there will be any big changes.

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