
Do you think alex rodriguez does steroids?

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i dont think he does beacause hes not as big as bonds but i have my doubts beacause how can a guy be so young and hit 500 something home runs




  1. no, even conseco says his clean.

  2. yeah man of course he does...he is an alcoholic... at least thats what ESPN said....

  3. i think he does beacuse he is a yankee and canseco said he did.:-)

  4. Steroids, no. Viagra......................

  5. hes played 13 years man

    he just has a beautiful homerun swing....nothin too it

  6. OH h**l YEAH!

  7. No.  He is just a gifted athlete

  8. probly not hes not muscular enough

  9. He wasn't listed in the Mitchell Report on performance enhancing drugs, No.

    It's pure talent and skill from A-Rod or his evidence was not found and disposed of easily, there's no way he was, he's never failed drug tes.

    Here's your list of players

  10. No, but he does Madonna.

  11. Very hard to say. There are so many designer steroids out there & most probably don't have a current test to detect them. There are those that will make you a heck of a lot stronger but little to no bigger. He is as big as some people I know who take them and smaller than others.

  12. No, Arod has more integrity than that, hes just a natural good baseball player. I think he would have been named in the mitchell report if he had ever even tried steriods.

  13. Have you ever heard of  God given talent that is what Alex Rodriguez has

    He has done it consistently since he came in the big leagues , and people will believe what they want

  14. NO

    If he did, I will turn away from the sport FOR GOOD

  15. im a red sox fan but, na i dont think he does steroids

  16. yes.

  17. No he is not as big as bonds or oddly shaped and look at Hank Arron you got to have quick wrists

  18. i don't think so, but i don't think there's an mlb player that can go completely without suspicion anymore

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