
Do you think alien space ships could possibly be being opererated by some kind of remote control?

by Guest61903  |  earlier

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Do you think alien space ships could possibly be being opererated by some kind of remote control?




  1. Sure it's possible,in fact probable.That would be no problem. Not compared to the vast,unimaginable distances they'd have to travel.

  2. It is possible, but I prefer to believe they are manned by intergalactic travelers.

  3. well, all our probes to other planets and the moon were remote control....  we finally put people on the moon and there is talk of sending people to mars...

    I would think aliens would sent a remote vehicle first as well before hopping in the car and driving here....  they know so much about us from our TV signals that I suspect they'd rather come unmanned first to make sure their vehicles don't get blown out of the sky by us :)

  4. Sure, why not?  We have developed remote controlled airplanes and cars, why can't they have remote controlled spaceships?

  5. Some probably are.

  6. 50% of different space craft that visit earth each year are remote controlled .They are alien probes that are more like robots travlin space ,recording and taking samples of different planets they visit.They even may send signals and infomation back to home base all the time.When they take samples they may take anything from a scratch of human skin to a live cow.There signals even travlin at the speed of light may take hundreads of years to reach home.In the furture we may send out advanced probes to exsplore the universe.

  7. No, I think the space ships themselves are the aliens. Like in that movie "Batteries Not Included"

  8. One of the current theories about first contact is similar to remote controlled alien space ships, but with a twist. Some consider that nano technology (very, very small) is a likely tool to investigate life on other planets. Tiny little robots would be easier to transport and would be difficult to detect. Ideally no one would even know they were being observed. These nano robots would make it unnecessary for life forms to be in harm's way when in a potentially hostile alien environment. Humans may use nano technology in the future when we explore other planets and moons.

  9. Yes. Anything you can imagine is actually possible. Reality is not  what you experience on a daily basis, it goes beyond that. Don't be a prisoner of your own mind. Explore, read, learn, imagine. Just because you have 'know truths' about life doesn't mean they are true. For example, in the Bible days everyone 'knew' the world was flat, that was a known truth, whoever didn't believe in the norm was considered on outcast, we know other wise now, or do we?

  10. Yes, it's possible.  We have unmanned aerial vehicles, so why couldn't a presumably more advanced civilization be able to do the same?

    Of course, that doesn't mean I think our planet has been visited by them.  I just think it's reasonable to assume an advanced species would be able to develop that sort of technology.

  11. We have little unmanned things that go deep into the ocean and already others that run around on mars, so why not.

  12. Hmm, now which ones would these be?

    The ones from Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy? Some other movie or show perhaps - there are thousands to choose from.

    Or newer ones from shows like Star Gate?

    Just wanting to know which “alien space ships” you refer to as to know how to best answer your question.

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