
Do you think aliens really exist, explain??

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Do you think aliens really exist, explain??




  1. Yes.  Visit the state pen.  You'll see plenty of aliens.

  2. I think there's life on other planets. Bacterial, microscopic life though. Not little green men who visit the earth. More like spit in a little puddle on planet Octopus.

  3. If life existed on mars i.e, "Bacteria".  Then it's safe to say, at least for our solar system.

    I like to look at it like this.

    If life exists here, it likely is happen in other places.  

    Some bacteria and plants don't even need light to survive, they just need heat (lava).

    So, I'm gonna have to spoil this for some people and say yes, yes it does exist on other planets.

  4. maybe

  5. No.

    Think of interdimensional beings or "fallen ones":

  6. I think it is extremely and unnecessarily anthropocentric to assume that we are the only intelligence in the universe.

    I would be very surprised to find out that we were alone.

    However, without evidence, I cannot make an informed decision.

  7. If the laws of physics are the same everywhere and the universe is more or less the same chemicaly in all directions then there has to by the laws of nature be life elsewhere.

  8. Of course !!

    It would be arrogant to think we were the only life forms in the WHOLE UNIVERSE.  And their are probably more than just bacteria and single celled organisms, there could be space faring aliens or even very basic, simple aliens who live like we did back when humans were cavemen,

    Also, the solar system around Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri has a possibility of having life forms, or at least being able to have life forms inhabit the planets in the system.

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