
Do you think all dvd's will change to blu ray disc only eventually?

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Jusy wondering because im seeing them more now and there always changing things and I like just the regular dvd better




  1. It's like comes and goes....DVD replaced VHS...and Blu-ray will potentially replace DVD. I don't understand why you like dvd with Blu-ray you get FAR better video and audio quality. If the price is the turnoff for you, just wait a while. Prices are already starting to come down a bit. You can get a Blu-ray Player for under $300 @ Walmart Currently, and they have a lot of movies for only $15.00. Some DVDs cost MORE than that. In addition Blu-ray Players WILL PLAY REGULAR DVDs. IN FACT, a Blu-ray Player will actually upconvert your normal DVD and improve the video quality!

  2. Blu ray might be the common format in about ten years from now.Just like vinyl records changed to audio cds and video tapes change to DVD.  You can't hardly find a video camera brand new in a store. It all records to memory card or an internal hard drive. Just keep what you have and enjoy it. You can get a Blu Ray player later on if you wish. There may be a player that'll play both formats. There's nothing wrong with staying with what you like best.

  3. The latest data I've seen says that Blu-ray movies aren't selling nearly as well as they were predicted to. Seems many people aren't convinced they, and the players, are worth the money for the bump in performance. So it may take a price drop to make them a mainstream product.

    Personally, I love Blu-ray. But I must admit that I own far more regular DVD's than Blu-ray.

  4. most likely, no! there are way too many dvd players and movies out there. with the economy the way it is right now. people are more worried the next tank of gas or bag of  groceries. by the time it really catches on we should have easily down-loadable hi-def content or cheap flash type memory. who knows, but i doubt that the future is blu!

  5. eventually yes unless consumers boycott blu-ray to keep dvd coz upconverter dvd players are trying to keep up their picture quality comparable to blu-ray players.considering many people have their dvd library build-up and probably do not wish to change the entire libraty to blu-ray i hope.

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