
Do you think all good things last forever or not?

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What was something good that happened to you but lasted a really short while, even 2 years that could have changed your life if it still was hapeening. Like for me it was moving to a certain school.

And s*x is not an answer!




  1. I've always heard all good things come to an end.....I don't really believe it...all good things must change but not end nor will they last forever.

  2. NOT

  3. Nothing in life is constant. Not even the sun or the ocean because one day that could be gone too.

    I dont have a story to tell, only that Im working on trying to make good

    things happen.

  4. Summer 2008. Recent, but I had a "spiritual growth". I found what I wanted in my life, and I never want to look back

  5. s*x doesn't but s*x tapes might!

  6. No, I don't think that good things last forever.   Nothing lasts forever .. except a person's relationship with God.

    Something wonderful, so magical, happened several years ago -- circumstances were too huge of an impact to make it last forever.

  7. all good things come to an end..just like that song  

  8. All good things do last for ever because what we have in our head and in our hearts determine what this life deals us.  All we have to do is believe in ourselves and then prove to others that what we believe is true. If you want to change that and make all good things end then go ahead. But, why would you do that and trade your good things for something else. I am happy and content.  Why would I ever want that to change ? Believe this. Contentment and satisfaction comes naturally to those who have love in their heart.  If you replace love in your heart with hate you will have everything except contentment and satisfaction and happiness.  Life is so very simple for those who find the key. You must get down on your knees to be able to find contentment, satisfaction and love and that is the key. Simple.

    Why do some of you not understand something as simple as that ?

  9. Nothing in this world lasts forever.  

  10. Chancellor Palpatine had said that "Good is a point of view..." So, one can merely deduce that no Things are really good, because no Things are actually real, and that what is real is our own interpretation of them. And when that interpretation is that of optimism, is that not what is good?

    So, if that optimism is really the only 'thing' that's good, doesn't it soley depend on you whether it will last or not? Since this whole spectrum of emotion takes place within a mind that is completely under your own control?

    And furthermore, if you were to think negatively, would that not just mean that your emotions are just detached from the truth? And if your emotional status is detached from the truth, wouldn't it similar to it not thinking negatively, but finding optimism in the wrong place, like somewhere unreal? And if its optimism is directed to a place out of reality, wouldn't that mean that your emotions are just lost? And isn't being in a whole new place involuntarily, like your new school, the very definition of being lost? ...Strange, isn't it...?

  11. Remember ALL good things must come to an end....

  12. No,that would make life easier.Be glad you have something while it lasts.I know because my Guinea Pig just died.I miss him terribly.

    R.I.P Tiny Reeces April 22 2005-August 27 2008

  13. Good things: When I'm enjoying a hearty meal. I enjoy many hearty meals. I just wish I could turn back the clock and enjoy them over and over again.

  14. Maybe being with my dad.. It wasn't exactly a short time I had with him, 11 years, but I think it was too soon for him to leave.

    But I'll see him again when it's my time to go.  

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