
Do you think all-natural herbs and drugs have legitimate religeous use?

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Do you think all-natural herbs and drugs have legitimate religeous use?




  1. Intelligent beliefs answer is terribly wrong assuming that drugs and herbs are used in Pagan rites as a form of spirituality. I am a Pagan and have never been advised that certain drugs or herbs will induce any form of spiritual experience , nor are drugs or mind altering herbs used in any of my rites.

    Many of today's modern pharmaceuticals are based on herbs and their properties .....some induce a state of euphoria which is a natural side effect but there is nothing spiritual about it.

  2. If thats your spirituality then yes

  3. God gave us wisdom. Not necessarily a religious use, sometimes medical

  4. They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." They ask thee how much they are to spend; Say: "What is beyond your needs." Thus does God/Allah Make clear to you His Signs: In order that ye may consider-

    [Quran 2:219]

  5. No, they have no relig-eous use.... because I dont know the word religeous. no such thing .... [spell check!]  

  6. For all purposes and intent -- YES.

  7. Yes, God put them here for a reason

    In the New Testament Paul wrote to Timothy that he should drink some wine instead of just water all the time...

    possibly because he was getting sick as a result of being a missionary in foreign lands..

    EDIT -

    OH! I think I may gave misunderstood your question.

    If you mean "can we use these things (shrooms, pot, etc) to get spiritual experiences.  The answer is no.  This is very involved with divination and pagan rituals and rites.  The use of drugs for a false spiritual experience is also connected to the demonic.  Sorcery in the Greek is the work pharmekia (we get the word pharmecy from it).  Sorcery is condemned.  The use of drugs to become under the influence of the drug is not good.  "I will not be brought under the power of anything" is the biblical principle

    like when you get montazumas in Mexico

  8. I use herbs for sleep and blood pressure over man made chemicals. This is why they are here.

  9. They have legitimate health uses.  I don't know of any religious use.

  10. no

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