
Do you think all of the extra airport security is really protecting us?

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are we really all safer because I can't bring on my liquid lip-gloss any longer?




  1. yes, just put the lipgloss on, and when you get to your destination, reapply it. It's protecting you. :)

  2. I don't think that airport security is really protecting us more than it is just narrowing down the ways that terrorists can get at us. If a group of terrorists really wanted to harm us, they would find the way to;no problem. Yes it would be harder for them, but it is in that sense we're never really fully protected.

  3. no, it's a silly waste of time, especially when every airport has their own set of little rules which differ from the airport you just came from; for example: leave shoes on, take shoes off, leave tennis shoes on, take flip-flops off; take laptop out, leave laptop in, you can't take a lighter in your bag, but you can put it in your pants pocket!!!  huh???

  4. lol nope  If someone wants us they will get us. At least lets go with shiny poofy lips!

  5. Yes and yes.

  6. I think it helps... a little.  If it was being done correctly, with scrutiny in the right places and some thought behind extra screenings then it would be more worthwhile.  

    I think part of it is airlines covering their butts.  If another 9/11 happened and there wasn't tightened security at the airports people would be in an uproar and wondering why nothing was done.

    I think we all know that you can still bring liquid lip-gloss on a plane.

    I think that air travel is a privilege and not a right, so if you don't want to go through it, drive a car.

  7. Exactly, I see them patting down a grandmother while potential terrorist looking guys go right on thru. Amazing

  8. I think stepped up security is a good idea.  I think the TSA goes overboard in the minutia, and sometimes misses the big picture.  There have been multiple cases where reporters doing a story on security have been able to get weapons through security.  

    Of course, we should be putting the same amount of scrutiny at our ports; don't look for that to happen anytime soon.  The government is more concerned with making us *feel* safe than actually *keeping* us safe.

  9. Of course not. The TSA screeners look more like terrorists than the travelers. This is just another Government ploy to make us think they're doing something good for us.

  10. YES, when you put that lip gloss on the pilot can't pull back on his stick anymore !!!

    I'm much safer.  I just don't fly anymore -- web telecons are faster, cheaper, safer.


  11. Definitely not.  Racial profiling would go along way to making airlines more secure.

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