
Do you think all people are equal?

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Why or why not?




  1. Umm, no.

  2. lol you scientific people take these questions too..seriously

    Okay our DNA is equal. We all have 2 arms, 2 legs etc (at least most do)

    Mentally and in society we are not equal. People considered pretty are more accepted into society then those who aren't. Wheres the equal there?

    Some of us work at gas stations, others are doctors and lawyers. Yeah, ones more succesful then the other so, not equal.

    Some guys are loved by girls because of their looks and money and outgoing personality. others aren't, (like me, hooray for shy people!)

    If a girl is overweight, a little old or considered ugly, she is treated differently then someone who is considered pretty.

    So yeah no two people are equal in the eyes of society, or even in our own eyes. Our worlds is to judgmental and full of stereotypes for everyone to be considered equal.

  3. Yes, I believe so. We are all humans. Do you have a beating heart? Yes you do. Does that mexican lady who lives next door have a beating heart? Yes she does. When it comes down to it, we are all equal if you really look at it. We all have problems in our lives and we all have brains to think. I believe that because we're humans we are all equal. Did that make any sense?

  4. All people are equal in one theoretical sense - that is that they (should) have equal rights and privileges under the law.  Of course this is very often not the case.  In every other sense there is a huge range between individuals in almost every way you can imagine.  So, no two people are truly equal.  Except of course the one way that we're all equal and that is that we will all someday die.

  5. All people are equal. Our DNA variance is only 1-2% in the whole human species. Climate, culture, and resources have shaped other aspects of human life though.

  6. of course they are, what differs one person from another ?

  7. It would be awesome to be able to say we are, but we're not. People are different mentally, physically, socially, in every way really. And then there are those who are treated differently than people should be treated, which is wrong. Some are worshiped for having money, and others are looked down upon for being poor. Everybody should be treated equally, yes. But everyone knows that is not the case.

  8. No two humans are alike.  But, all humans have universal equal inalienable rights.

  9. Not all people are equal, but we should all treat each other equally and fairly. In this way, we can work together--utilizing our individual strengths and weaknesses--and accomplish our goals.

  10. Yes, we all have infinite worth in God's eyes and are unconditionally loved.

  11. Yes. But of course one must be discriminating in the choice of one's associates. Now I think we are all equal but I certainly wouldn't be caught on the corner with a group of my equal citizens swilling wine from a paper bag. So as you can see thinking we are equal is one thing practicing equality is quite another.

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