
Do you think all the Rangers women in the footie section are retarded or does it just read that way?

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Do you think all the Rangers women in the footie section are retarded or does it just read that way?




  1. if u think they are retarded does not say much for you then t**t

  2. when i read bluebells comments i think she comes accross as a wee hottie!!!!!!!!!

  3. yes midden, we were going to have a square go but we realised if we did, there would be ladies not getting lovin out there.  so we decided to leave it til another day and go sweep some off their feet.

    anyways, whats that plonker who asked the question bumping his gums about?

  4. hey bernard manning .thought you were dead.that in breading sure is starting to pay of now.

  5. Women`s question on Answers and neither of Chas  or Erra are here to answer it. Are they meeting each other?

  6. not my head i imagine them as pure babes with plenty of brains.good for the crack too.saying that,i do have a very good imagination but im sure they are no far off.however they are a little bit misguided with their allegiances to the ranker's but nothing that 10min in my bed wouldnt sort out.

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