
Do you think all the happy adoptees are "out enjoying their lives" and not on Y!A?

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Someone said this here recently.

There are no happy adoptees here on Y!A because they are all out enjoying themselves.

If that is true, then what are all the adoptive parents here for? And first parents? And potential adoptive parents? Shouldn't they be out enjoying life too?




  1. Happy?  Yes!

    I just watched JOHN ADAMS on HBO with my wonderful husband.

    I was watching these amazing men, (and Abagail) our founding fathers, and thinking they would never deny adoptees with sealed records our 'undeniable rights'!  

    Anyway, what were we talking about?  Oh yes,  a PAP trolling for a new baby on Y!A who say adult adoptees are angry?  Ugh.


  2. I'm a happy adoptee. I have a bit of an addiction to yahoo answers, but it has nothing to do with being adopted.

  3. ah yes, i have been told this in my questions too. obviously they are miserable little things, since they are here bashing others and making comments on things they have no idea about.

    misery loves company i guess.

  4. I'm happy and enjoying life. i just have a little addiction to y/a!!

  5. i am currently in an eating disorder chat.

  6. Can I simply ask why your sacrcastically taking the p**s out of "happy adoptees" I myself am a happy adoptee (if you can define it), But i did feel feelings towards my adoption. Does it bother you that some adoptees are just not interested about adoption and may have other things i their lives right now. Not everything revolves around our or your adoption.

    I come on here to chill when my kids have gone to bed. I like to express myself in my own way. During the day, I have more to worry about and more impotant things than my adoption. Does that make me a mary poppins, perfect type happy adoptee? makes me human.

    Why do you even care?

  7. LOL!!!!! Thats g-r-e-a-t!

    I wanna know too, this IS my entertainment. I'd guess when spring comes around and it gets nice we'll all be at the park. But unfortunately for me I have Wifi on my phone and I catch myself going to Y!A when i should be working....

    I've been kickin' the habit, just gotta take it 1 day at a time.

  8. Down on the lakeshore, on Sunday  afternoon.  Bring your own kite.

    I'm a happy adoptee.  I love my families... both of them.  I'm also a happy a-parent.  I love my son, AND his other mom.

    It would be NICE if I had my records, though, and the same rights that everyone else enjoys.

  9. Apparently, they're all hanging out on that adoptee message board.  Don't tell the angry AP's, but *whisper* the happy adoptees over there are the same people that are labeled as "angry" over here.  They're happy over there because people don't attack them.  

    Now, don't go ruining things and telling the angry AP's.  They've had bad experiences with their adoptive kids wanting their records and histories.  Oh, and let's not forget, only the angry AP's and PAP's hang out here.  All the AP's with good, quiet, respectful, GRATEFUL adoptees are out flying kites in the park with their perfectly well-adjusted children who don't want to know their roots.

  10. Im a happy adoptee who enjoys her life.... I do like Y!A though!!!!

  11. Many happy adoptees and adoptive parents are here to try to provide advice from their own experience.  Even in an adoption that ends in a "happily ever after" experience, there are obstacles and hoops that probably could have been avoided if those involved knew to look out for them.

  12. Ok I admit it, I am not happy all the time. I get depressed and angry and sad and scared and lonely and all those other emotions our society tells us not to have because they are "bad". So sue me, I'm human.

    I'm not here because of being anything other than a yahoo junkie, when the adoption chat room went to h**l in a hand basket I wanted somewhere else to talk to other adoptees, nparents and aparents... Just like I did in there. God we rarely talked adoption until someone new came in with a question, we understood each other better because of similar life experiences so we were able to connect in ways many adoptees don't connect with the non adopted.

    I don't know how I ended up here, I think it may have been a fluke and once I saw an adoption category I clicked away, but it wasn't because I am angry.

  13. Sorry I didn't answer this earlier, I was having fun.

    (Well, actually, I was balancing my checkbook.  But I still have money, so I guess it was fun.)

    I know I enjoy myself in general.  Usually, the only time I'm unhappy is when I'm here.  ;)

    LOL, Lara.  I have a bigger problem than my WiFi phone.  My town has wireless all over town.  So I can sit in the park using my laptop!  If they put in electrical outlets, I never have to go home.  (That is, after the snow melts.)

  14. If that were true, then I guess all the happy Adoptive Parents should be there too.  I missed the invite to that party though it appears.  So I'm here, trying to learn more from others.  : )

  15. With that logic only miserable aparents and potenital adoptive parents are on here....because the happy ones are off enjoying themselves.

    Or is this person assuming because I dare vocalise my issues with adoption that I am unhappy.

    Boy you would be in for a surprise if you met me, apparently I am quite the happy positive bunny.

    I have a black eye and other than the first moments afterwards I have found it extremely funny and made lots of people laugh about it.

    I make my husband specialist laugh everytime we see her - she loves our positiveness about our situation...I enjoy every day because it is a blessing.

    but you're right I must be an unhappy person because I am an adoptee and on here.

  16. Sorry I missed this question. I've been away for the weekend having so much fun!

    I think there are alot of adoptees in the 'closet' because of all the anti-adoptee rhetoric out there - their afraid to come out and speak up, actually!

    Adoptee rights!   Yay!  We will be equal citizens some day and the silence and shame will have no place in adoption.   Shame on that adoptive parent/PAP for being such a mean-hearted lady pfft!

  17. There is one on the couch behind me watching a movie on tv. Come on over!!! I will make popcorn!!!

    My hubby is an adoptee :)

  18. I must have missed the memo.  Where is this happy frolicy (is that a word) place you speak of? Perhaps mapquest has directions.

  19. I am a happy adoptee, and also an adopted parent- I am here- it is kind of sad to see that question- EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE FUN

  20. Well maybe we should all spend less time on the computer, but I am pretty sure we are all enjoying our lives, beit adoptee, PAP, AP or birthmother, best we can.

  21. I was very happy to find this adoption site, I thought wow, there are others who know how I feel.

    I'm getting ready to out and enjoy myself, Big Lots and the 99 cent store.

    Be back later, to see if anyone has posted anything of interest.

  22. I'm happy.  I just like Y!A and a few other sites.  What's up with a weird statement like that?

    Oh, ya, that's right.  Anyone who wants to change a few laws and such is just a malcontent. LOL.

    If the person who said that is so happy, why is s/he hanging on Y!A?

    Oh, Phil -- I'm so jealous.  Do you live in a town with WiFi for all?  We need that here.  I'm an internet junkie (amongst other passions.)  Besides, public WiFi will help get rid of most of the wardrivers.    


  23. I don't know, I use to think that only people with issues come here.  But I think if your life is touched by adoption in any way whether you are happy or not, and if you have access to the internet, you will probably find yourself in Y/A one day.  Then when you see what's in here you then keep coming back for many reasons.  Even if it's just as an observer.

    It's just so interesting here.  You sort of come here maybe with the intention of asking 1 question that may have been bugging you for a while.  Then all of a sudden you're hooked.  

    Personally, I think I have a mild addiction to the internet.

  24. most ppl on here are happy til the adoptees start the badgering

    I'm bored for the moment

    and like reading the nonsense from some ppl

  25. Most happy adoptees are not on Y!A. Most unhappy adoptees are not on Y!A. Most happy APs and PAPs are not on Y!A. Most unhappy APs and PAPs are not on Y!A. Most PEOPLE are not on Y!A!

    Just us addicts, lol.

    But it is fun here sometimes, no?

    (or maybe it's my warped sense of humor)

  26. Is there such thing as an happy angrate? lmao

    While I am angry about sealed records, and the discrimination and scandal done in adoption, and ungrateful for it as well, I'm a content easy person in general. I enjoy having a good time.

    I could care less what whoever said "we're angry" thinks of me. pssst.....she/he sounds a little "bitter."

    Each night when I lay down for bed as i fall asleep I think of everything that caused a stir in my emotions that day and inhale it all together and with the exhale, I blow it away and let it go. Never fall asleep holding onto things, its unhealthy. Let your body rest free of worry, anger and resentment and  you'll rest much better. ( this is a lesson for the person accusing the adoptees here as "not happy" because he/she sounds unhappy herself)

  27. The busy body know it alls who've never given birth, don't know anything about being prospective adoptive parents don't have the nerve to answer this question.  I believe that some of their answers to young women like "keep your baby, you are the only one who can make it happy"  are wrong.  My son is adopted, very happy, knows who his birth mom is, and we are thrilled he is in our lives.  If he was with his birth mother, he'd be exposed to meth, alcoholism, and God knows what.  The only reason we are sad, is because we wish she were happy, but she was unhappy before she got pregnant.

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