
Do you think all the pubs will be empty,wen the smoking ban is in wales?

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not long to go now folks lol




  1. New York state passed a non-smoking ban, and recently Philadelphia PA did also.  People just go outside and smoke, then come back in.   It is much more pleasant inside without all the smoke.

  2. Absolutely not. If Dublin can do it and keep the pubs packed, ANYONE can do it! Viva la Nosmoking!

  3. Washington State went non-smoking, and there are some that go out-side, but I understand that the pubs are going bankrupted ( family-owned )  It seems that the non-smokers don't like to drink either...They should have smoking pubs and non-smoking pubs so everyone is happy, just like there are country western bars taverns and rock and roll taverns. I was at the State Capital  two weeks ago and noticed that people were smoking in the legislative offices with there big old cigars and the expensive pipes. I guess that doesn't count.

  4. No they will just blow the smoke over the sheep in the car park and go back inside

  5. Mais non! People still like to go out for drinks and to be social. Those who smoke will just go out and do their thing than come back in. How happy that makes me! I am a non-smoker though.

  6. No they will probaly understand that some ppl are alergic to smoke.

  7. i live in Norway,and we have had the smoking ban for some time now.and it's not a problem only in winter time(but we have it a bit colder up here)so people are not willing to go out to smoke in -20 something..but i has worked well in Ireland so i guess it will work out fine in wales as well

  8. If Scotland is anything to go by then some pubs will close and some will become busier!

  9. There will be a problem for sure

  10. No. Non smokers will spend more time and money there.

  11. If it's anything like what happened in Canada, then the business will drop off for awhile, a few places may go out of business, but then the non-smokers will keep the place going until the smokers realize that's the way things are and they'll smoke outside. Smokers only make up about 12% of the population, but more people tend to drink and smoke both so it's hard to tell.

  12. No, they will just smoke outside then come back in.

  13. Well alot depends on if the pubs will provide additional facilities such as covered areas outside for smokers to protect them from the rain.  Should the pub owners recognize that through providing services that cater to the smoker, they shouldn't really lose too much business.  I believe that most people, while finding it a bit of an inconvenience to have to go outside, can find comfort in having cover, and there will always be others outside to chat with, so no-ones getting lonely.  Better yet, a covered area with portable heaters for when it gets cold, now that would be class.

  14. not probably coz girls can't  be banned

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