
Do you think am having twins?

by Guest58535  |  earlier

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If my hormones level is 27000 @ 9 weeks, does that mean I ma having twins.




  1. Have you had an ultrasound yet? Did they see two sacs?

  2. it's possible

  3. Ultra sound.  Bottom line

  4. Normal levels honey...probably single pregnancy

  5. I am 13 weeks pregnant with twins.  My hormone levels are within the normal range of a single pregnancy because those are so wide spread.  You are most likely carrying a singleton since your levels are on the low end of the scale.   The only way to know a multiple pregnancy is via ultrasound.

  6. My hcg level at 7 weeks was 180,000 and im not having twins!  

  7. Nope, those are normal levels. If they were that high around 5-6 weeks, maybe. Only an ultrasound and birth can determine if you're having twins.

    Also, if you are female, I suggest changing your Yahoo name from Michael to something more feminine.

  8. 9 - 12 weeks LMP: 25,700 - 288,000 mIU/ml

    It is in the normal range. It is actually at the low end of normal. HCG isn't the best way to tell if you are having twins - but if you were going to go purely off of HCG I'd say "probably not" - if you want to know for sure ask for an ultrasound.

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