
Do you think am i too thin?

by  |  earlier

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I really dont think im that thin, or too thin at least. but the doctors are on my case constantly, and i lost like 8 lbs since dec. and they think its really bad and say im almost dangerously thin for my height and weight. im a 16 year old female, 5'2" and 100lbs im really athletic and pretty muscular. i eat alot and workout every day. i think im healthy and not dangerously thin but is it just me?




  1. you arent dangerously thin

    but definately on the thin side

    if you play sports you dont have to worry about gaining weight!

    it would help if you gain about 5 pounds=]

  2. You are thin but i don't think that that is dangerously thin. I am five foot four inches and they say that the lowest healthy weight for me is 107 lbs.

  3. you just have fast Metabolism

  4. i am  a girl, 15, 5'5 and 105 pounds so i don't think you have a problem

    some people are just built that way

    as long as your staying healthy

    and not exercising too much

  5. i think your fine

    you sound thin but healthy too.

  6. Well it depends on your build but generally I think you're okay, just make sure you dont loose anymore weight.

    I went through the same thing, [I'm 16 and 5'2'' as well] I was at 108, lost 8 pounds--lost my period--, tried to gain weight but ended up loosing 7 more pounds because I got really sick. I guess the difference is I stopped working out and therefor ended up loosing a lot of muscle mass which is NOT good.

    Just remember to eat right, get your daily nutrients in and go for some snacks when you're hungry. Some people are naturally thin, all that's important is that you're healthy.

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