
Do you think america will end in the worst 5?

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they went all crazy kicking pachuca players in the face and from behind, they became pigs




  1. One game doesn't put a team on the 5 worst teams.

    America won't be on the 5 worst teams unless they kick other player EVERY game

    Go Pumas!

  2. it was only one player ok

  3. yeah that kick in the face was bad  

  4. Wasn't really a kick more like a stomp/step to the face lol

  5. Yes they will end in last place, and Chivas will be Champions

  6. no i dont they think so they only lost once in like what 4 games not bad but not great  

  7. yup they are and chivas will to.. . . 100% CRUZ AZUL!!!

  8. Stop copying azteca america stupiiid commentators.

    Sebastian dominguez is the only player that plays dirty.

    And no America wont end up on worst 5.

    chivas will.

  9. Yes America is going to be the last five. There starting off like last torneo.

  10. haha dude just shut up

    stop trying to copy the commentaristas from tv azteca

    that kick wasnt intentional, the pachuca player moved dominguez's leg so it came down by accident

    when ur running at %100 its hard to aim your feet at a face

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