
Do you think an Adoptee with Unresolved Anger Issues Should be allowed to Adopt?

by Guest65847  |  earlier

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Should adoptees have to take a parenting test before being allowed to adopt? Would this prevent angry adoptees from adopting children?




  1. Yes, and I think they should also be screened for unhealthy obsessions with female genitalia.

    There are a lot of creepy people in the world.

  2. why does it have to be an adoptee?

    It doesn't matter if u are adopted or not. Unresolved anger issues should be handled before hand.

  3. Angry ppl shouldn't adopt.  Don't matter if they were adopted or not.

  4. Hey look guys! More discrimination based on our status as adoptees. Oh, what fun!

    I think anyone with any unresolved issues that negatively affect their day-to-day parenting shouldn't have kids (adopted or otherwise) until they have resolved those issues. I think that forbidding only adult adoptees with unresolved anger from adopting is akin to forbidding g**s, blacks or single women from adopting.

    If someone has unresolved anger or frustration at their lack of fertility which will affect their parenting, they need to overcome those issues before adopting. Similarly, adult adoptees with unresolved anger need to overcome their anger before adopting, but hopefully since they are adoptees, they may be able to sympathize with the children more.

  5. I will leave questions like these to the social workers who do the home studies.  That's one of the reasons home studies are done.  Questions are asked, like who your parents are, adoption, home life, abuse, etc.  One of the reasons that home studies are done by social workers is to get to the true reasons of adopting, and anyone with true anger issues about adoption might or might not have problems "passing" the home study, depending on the situation.

  6. Only if the "unresolved anger" is disguised as a very happy adoptee attacking those in reunion or wanting to search.  

  7. Unfortunately, angry people (adopted or not)  tend to raise angry children (adopted or not).  

  8. Unresolved issues- no.  Absolutely not.  Someone in here needs to take this *hint*.  

    The parenting test for me came in several interviews with the adoption agency and social workers.  It was an oral exam that included letters of reference from many non-related people who also have children or work with children.

    You can be an angry adoptee with RESOLVED issues, so no this wouldn't prevent "angry" adoptees from adopting.  It should however, prevent angry adoptees with UNRESOLVED issues from adopting, though.

  9. No one with unresolved anger issues should be allowed to raise a child.

    My opinion:  everyone should be required to take parenting classes before becoming a parent.  I would elaborate, but, I think you are being facetious with this question.

  10. I'm not sure if this is directed at me or not since I have adopted children and I also post about the darker realities of adoption. I assure you I did complete several courses, met with a social worker and told her everything about myself and my history, and had to do very long questionnaires and essays about my abandonment issues and issues relating to my adoption. My SW has turned down people in the past because she felt they had issues that would make them unfit as adoptive parents. I don't know if all social workers do this, but they should. I  think every person or couple, no matter if they are adopted or not, should have to take classes and pass tests before they are allowed to adopt. I don't believe anyone with mental illness, anger issues or the like should be able to adopt if it hinders their ability to raise children. I, personally, think that my history with adoption has made me more empathetic to my adopted childrens' emotional needs and given me a deeper level of understanding that I may not have had if I hadn't experienced it myself.  

  11. Everyone should have to get a license before being allowed to keep a child, everyone.  It should be part of a series of classes that start in middle school.  On the other hand, I'm not into dictatorships.  I'm kind of torn between that and anarchy.  lol

  12. I think it is bad to put children of any sort (birthed or adopted) into a home with a parent who is constantly angry.  

    I also think that this question reminds me alot of Jr. High!  

  13. Dear Brain,

    No.  I don't think anyone with unresolved anger issues should be allowed to adopt.  Yes.  I would love it if all pap's had to take a parenting class or two.

    Lastly i understated that i think i like you because, I freaking love you!

  14. Any person with unresolved anger issues should not even consider adopting.  If a parenting test is given, it should be given to all possible adopters, not just those who are also adoptees.  It would be unfair and judgemental to assume that only adoptees would need testing.

    Freckle Face, I like your idea that all adopting parents should be required to take parenting classes.  Maybe that would have helped my AP's.  I was abused.


  15. I think anyone with unresolved anger about anything to the point it would interfere with their parenting needs to deal with that anger before adopting. It's not safe to bring a child into a situation where the emotions of the parents are not under control. Adopting a child can be emotionally tough for all involved, and the parents need to be in a healthy and stable place themselves before they take on the emotions of the child as well.

    But I don't think there's any reason to single out adoptees. That's quite unnecessary.

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