
Do you think animals are luckier than humans because they live only for the moment ...?

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....and human beings live for the Past, Present and Future?

Thanks so much.




  1. We are capable of living in the moment.  It takes a shift of consciousness.

    The fact that our consciousness is not fixed like that of animals does allow the possibility of not living in the moment, it is true.  And, it also allows much greater possibilities and experiences.  The fact that most do not actualize those possibilites is perhaps a function of where we are in the evolution of the consciousness of the human race.  We may get there yet...and when we do, I don't think anyone will think that animals are luckier than us.

  2. You're assuming animals do not think like we do when the fact is, no one knows for certain just how animals think. Since there is the language barrier...and since we cannot comprehend their sounds we assume them to have no language and thus assume they do not think as we do....fact is, we just don't know.  

  3. I'm not sure it's fair to say that animals just live for the moment...

    Yes, their decisions are motivated more by genetics and instinctive alignments but all living beings have to somewhat forward think/plan otherwise they cannot live!

    For example, most animals will plan for a coming winter be that hibernation (Bears, skunks, chipmunks, and some bats hibernate), migration (many birds and some insects like 'monarch butterflies' migrate) or horde and gather excess food (like squirrels, mice and beavers).

    Animals don't really live for the moment, because, as humans who try to do so find too, it normally ends up in a shortsighted misery.

  4. No, quite frankly, I think that humans are luckier than animals precisely because they live for the past, present, and future while animals live only in the moment. Humans are able to treasure the little things and replay their happy moments in their minds, and they're able to get more pleasure than that than just the instinctual happiness that animals feel.

    Sure, it can be hard to have to remember somebody who has died or to think about one's own future death, but would you want to forget somebody or to be unaware? I personally feel that the positive aspects of a complex life much outweigh the negative ones.

  5. Humans are rarely killed for their meat.

  6. Yes. Animals do not have discrimination power.

    But with all the discrimination power available to human being, we are not using the discrimination power in right spirit.

    Animals like cow, goat, etc. help human beings by giving milk. Dog helps in helping the master to safeguard the house. In the same way human being are not helping the animals. There are very few hospitals for animals or birds. We have different hospitals for ENT, heart (cardiology), gynecology, nurology, opthalmology, skin diseases, whereas there is no specialised hospital for animals.  

  7. The human agony of knowing they will eventually decay/die is balanced by other gifts.  We are a blessed a nd a cursed species.  If it were so miserable to be a human we would be extinct.

  8. I wouldn't say animals are luckier, although it is true they have no moral responsibility for their actions live with a kill or be killed instinctivness with a carnal desire to vanquish and consume all in their path.

    Talking of animals also depends upon which class of animals you are referring to, for humanity has its direct reflection in the animal kingdom, and a true King does not a pig become, nor a queen a cunning jackal ...

    Both animals and humans have a breed and class, the rank and file of which distinguishes the lower bestial from the sociable and tolerable.

    The worm doesnt evolve into a boa constrictor, or the rodent into a fawn.

  9. No,just more spiritual.

  10. I would say they are lucky to have their looks and health. The food they eat on the other hand is undercooked and very bland. Some foods some animals eat even people cant figure out how they can eat the whole bowl and still want more of that stuff(dog,&cat food).

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