
Do you think animals have a disadvantage biologically when it comes to protecting themselves from vehicles?

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They don't have the proper instinct to protect themselves against the creations of man in general...kind of sad really




  1. Definitely.  Evolution in animals cannot keep up with the rapid pace of human technology.  For example:  most people know manatees are endangered mostly due to being hit by props on boat motors.  Injuries like this can kill a sea cow.  Apparently, these animals have a way of using sonar in order to avoid underwater obstacles.  The problem with boats arises because the boats move faster than the animal's sonar signals can be released, retrieved, and processed.  This leads to an inability of manatees to avoid accidents with boats...they haven't been able to evolve with the production of such fast moving "human" vehicles.

    A biological disadvantage?  Absolutely.

  2. Animals instinctively do things to survive. And the strongest and healthiest of them do, does that make them smart.

    If that applied to humans we'd barely have anything left on earth but the high price athletes and Amazon women that fought for them.

  3. Yes you are right and it is sad. Whoever said ignorance is bliss never saw a deer in their headlights.

  4. Oh ****, let's all give up on using things that our dogs con't appreciate so as not to take advantage of them...

  5. That's why its prudent, especially when driving in rural areas, to have "deer warning whistles" attached to your front bumper...

    While light attracts animals to your speeding vehicle at night, the stereophonic sound these devices make, discourages them from approaching any further.

    Thus, increasing the possibility of not only saving their life, but yours as well!

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