
Do you think any doggy will suit my personality?

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Well,kays.I'm very quiet.

I'm very shy.

I use little words.

I'm a great friend after ya get to know me(long,long time).

I wait for things to come to me instead of going to them(like a new


I walk and jog everyday(,

I'm not girly but I do take a shower everyday, comb my hair and brush my teeth daily,

I like sitting or laying down and just being plain lazy a lot of times,

I like country music( cuz I'm asian?),

I'm very responsible(seriously,I cook,clean,the whole shibang.I'm like a supermom cept I don't know what to say to little toddlers or babies.only 13 here ya know.been this way since kindergarten),

I wake up on time and sometimes early and wake up everybody before

I take a shower,

I put others ahead of myself(like if I had the last piece of gum and someone asked me for it,I would give it to them,waste of,

I'm a serious nerd(seriously! I study a lot before something happens),

I like to be prepared(like when I go shopping,if I got a gum that were like 39cents then I got another candy like 45cents,I would round each one up to $1.00 then add another dollar just in case which makes $3.00 on hand just to buy it.I wouldn't even use any change to buy gum like 45cents if I had a $1.00's weird.

I stare A LOT.I just have my own little conversation in my head with the person who just asked me a question then I end up not answering their question!lol.

I guess that's it.Now...go find me a dog.That will be okay with my personality.

Thanks a lot for your info.

Please no answers saying go to a shelter,I have a dog that is perfect for you!without even reading,etc...thanks.




  1. Have you considered adopting an older dog? I think that maybe getting a pup with a but of mileage on him might be a good fit for you. An older pup will be more content with laying under the desk while you study or just chilling with you when you are feeling a bit lazy :)

    Also most older dogs have a really hard time finding homes - because everyone wants a pup! Many are killed because of it.

    There are some other things to consider before decding on a breed, such as how much grooming you are willing to do, size of the dog, etc.  


    try this link its a breed selector test u just answer the questions and it gives u tons of breeds that fit what u need in a dog for ex: small/big, playful/couch potato well hope it helps :D

  3. ha ha you sound a lot like me! Since you jog or walk everyday you should get a labrador. I have one and he is the silliest thing you'll ever see. :)  

  4. every dog has its own personality, and any can fit yours easily enough.

    i have 3 shetland sheepdogs (shelties) they look like miniture collies, but aren't.

    Yes they can be yappy at times, mine can be, but they bark to let you know when someone comes into the yard, which is a total plus side. They are very sweet and affectionate, and around 2 years of age is when they start becomming really cuddly.

    The best way to check if they're smart is the roof of their mouth, if its black that means they're smart, if its pink it means well they're not, i know that sounds mean, but its actually is the truth.

    A healthy sheltie should never waltz up to a total stranger and be friendly, they should always be weary and then get to know the person before being friendly.

    You can also teach a sheltie like any other dogs tricks, very easily. they are also known herders so i'd watch it with automobiles.

    a plus side to their herding is, we have a small pond and my 3 have heard small kids away from the pond that were getting too close and could fall in and drown, or they'd herd them away from steps and such of danger.

    They do shed though, they have double coats, meaning they have their top coat and they have a bottom coat that needs to be brushed. You  never said if it would be an in-door or out-door kinda dog, but still brushing is always something that should be done oh i'd say once or twice a month (not saying it always happens with our dogs haha).

    my shelties also know when we normally get up and will be waking you up if you sleep in and they think you should be up and feeding them and letting them out to go potty.

    i'm trying to think of more stuff about shelties???

    well if you have anymore answers about them i'd be more than happy to answer.

    i hope this helps too with finding you a dog for yourself, good-luck : )

  5. That is a heck of a lot of random info. Luckily, I got out of it that you seem responsible for your age and exercise regularly.

    GO TO A SHEL--Oh wait, nope, can't say the S word. :P

    If you really are active, you can try a herding breed. However, they must be exercised both physically and mentally--this means training them lots, giving interactive toys, ect. They can have destructive behaviors if not given the right attention, so keep it up!

    I'd also suggest getting an adult over a puppy. They're cute and yada yada yada, but they're a heck of a lot of work. That might be fine with you, but being 13, you'll be in school 6+ hours of the day and that won't be fair on your parents/guardians.

    My suggestion: Pembroke Welsh Corgi

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