
Do you think any honesty prevails in the media or do you think they are so biased they are unable to report?

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the news fair and acturately?




  1. The media of today is not the media of old.  It is clearly biased and subtlety, or not so much in some cases tells you what to think.

    Your best bet is to listen to the people complaining about the biased channels on each end of the spectrum.  Listen to both and make your own decision.

  2. While there is admittedly no completely unbiased bit of news reporting, there is far less room for movement than some vocal people think. An earthquake in China is still an earthquake in China -- not much room for interpretation there.

  3. Too biased to report the truth.

  4. They are all owned by viciously racist Zionists and even at the entry level are kept watch by interns who enforce a certain slant according to what they've been taught at their Israel Advocacy Classes. (demonize Muslims, bomb Iran, etc). The only way to get some idea of the actual news is read international news and try to get more than one report on the same event. You can then tell if they are all working off the same press release, or if these are genuinely varying viewpoints and reports.

  5. I have always loved reading or listening to the news.  But now it is nothing but garbage.  It is biased and negative to a fault.  Too bad because the US is starting to turn a deaf ear to all of it!

  6. No. I think they are biased. They only report bad news, nothing good. They have never mentioned the success of the 'Surge" and the only place I saw it was page 7 of my newspaper.  Nothing fair or accurate about it.

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