
Do you think any of the royals are embarrassed by the harry in Iraq spoof?

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afganistan too fek 2 spoofs in 1 day class dont you think?




  1. For goodness sake get the facts right before posting a question.

  2. WTF are you talking about?  He was in Afganistan not Iraq.

  3. 5 biters, not bad teehee....get that thinking hat on!

    cheers big chap, and have a good weekend!

  4. The royals have more to be embarrassed about in their last 10 years or so in real life than in any spoof.

  5. I havent seen the spoof but I dont understand why they send him to Iraq and than make him come home because its to risky? No d**n its Iraq

  6. The Royals have much to be embarrassed about.

    I cannot concieve that Harry would be in line for an Iraq bullet or roadside explosive.

    One can be in Iraq and yet not because it is more than likely that he was kept clear of any real action for fear of the dangerous expectations for the other troops.

    I read that the troops were concerned that his presence may further endanger them also as Harry may be considered a prestigious target by the Iraqs.

    But it does bring a new twist to the terms of a royal visit.

    We all should be embarrassed by our military presence in another country and the upheival caused to its natives.

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