
Do you think any of this is fair?

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Do you think it is fair that there is all African American colleges but not all white colleges?

Do you think it is fair that African Americans have B E T but white people dont have an all white channel?

I dont think any of it is fair! What is your opinion?




  1. oh my lord, who cares?? seriously, get a life.

    now you are being JUST like them, complaining about how great the other race has it

  2. No its a load of c**p. I think we should make a TV station called "WET" (white entertainment Television) it should only contain songs about shooting outstanding black citizens (intsead of shooting white cops) and if they say its inappropriate then we can scream racism and that we were forced to leave our **** hole of a contenent to come here and have freedom

  3. I dont understand why in 2008 we still need to have this discussion but here is my answer anyway...

    You ask if these things are "fair"... well is it fair that the HBCUs (historically black colleges & universities)  were established for blacks during the times in which blacks either had to fight to be accepted or were denied admission into white colleges and / or universities?

    For the record, these HBCUs don't exclude whites

    And as far as BET goes... I am in no way defending BET since I don't like the quality of programming but is it fair that most television shows are created and geared toward whites? Starring all white casts, etc etc etc

    I personally try not to look at things in black and white but I guess maybe I should  

  4. ummm 1st of all technically there are no all african american colleges. it just so happens that majority or all african americans go there just like sometimes majority or all white peopl attend a college. and they dont just have black channels they have hispanic channels and stuff and white people have like a million channels so i dont think its wrong for blacksa to have at least one channel

    and about the black history month thing...we only came up with that because whites werent recognizing good things tht black ppl did so technicaly its the white ppls fault tht we have a black history month. so please save your fve points for somethingelse.

  5. i could careless.why don't you open an  all white college and instead of b.e.t ........... w.e.t if that's what u want.

  6. I actually agree with you..its not fair

    i love black people but i dont think its fair at all

    i think if white people cant say the n word black people shouldnt be allowed to say craker or anything like that

    im hispanic and i HATE the fact that you can have a Latino markets but if they had a caucasian market..all h**l will break loose

    i dont think its fair at bf is anybody that says im guys dont know what racist even means do you?

  7. i have heard lots of people ask the same question..most colleges are just about all white....i don't have a problem with an all black college...i would only have a problem if i wanted to attend and was should be fair across the board

  8. I personally feel that it is discrimination against whites myself.    

  9. well would u rather have been slaves for a really long time and got treated like c**p and later have a month named after you or be fine and no month?

  10. well...its not fair, but hink abt how african americans have been treated in the past....i know that these generations maybe are different than the others but maybe thay deserve it. im not black. i acctually understand your anger cus i live in macedonia and albanians have their tv stations (even they sometimes use macedonian instead of albanian) and they have albanian schools and they use their language in the parlament and almost everywhere! macedonians dont have this in the foreighn countries where they live. this kinda scares me i mean what will happen in the future if this keeps on mad just like you....cuz they just didnt deserve to have that,they didnt help us in the past in the wars or anything!!!!!!!!so i completly understand

  11. no its not here is one if a person (of any color) is born in

    America are they American?  If a person (of any color) is born in

    Africa are they African? How does a person (of any color) become African American  if they were born in America? if the person's family blood line comes from Africa and that person was born in America wouldnt that person be American of African descent? If that person was born in Africa and moved to America then that person would be an African American..The people of darker color want seperation but dont want to be seperated..Sorry its the price we pay for our ancestors buying African tribes people from other African tribes people.  we pay for what their own people did to their ancestors over 100 years ago..welcome to American heritage/

  12. No, I don't think its fair!! I am hispanic and I do wonder why white people can't have their own ALL white tv show or how you say colleges!! Maybe for some reason ind it racist!! And yes the reason being what its in the history books!! African American went through slavery, & go through racism!! Hope I helped (:

  13. how stupid are you .

    ok , first of all HBCU's( historically black colleges and universities ) were founded so that black ppl could have a place to go to school and better themselves , since white ppl would not let them in. So since the majority wont let you better yourself and wont help you , what other choice do you have but to create schools meant to help your own ppl  So do i think it is fair that its all black schools  , h**l yeah i do .

    secondly, every channel is basically directed to white ppl , what would entertain them and make them happy . So YOU really dont need a channel specifically for white ppl if the majority of shows on television are meant to show what YOUR version of america is . So do i think that it is fair that black ppl have BET  , yep I sure do .

    Finally , you dont have a month dedicated to you , because its 11 other months out of the year that yall celebrate . I dont see why you are angry that my ppl have "all these things " when in all reality Whites are still the majority and have much more than we do . I really need for you to GET OVER YOURSELF .

  14. Are you freaking kidding me?  LOL.  Things are getting better for African Americans in this country but like many other people in this country (Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, lesbians, g**s, handicapped, and all of the other "minority" groups) they are far from being seen as "equals.”

    I’m not saying that there aren’t any disadvantaged poor white people out there but statistics don’t lie and statistics show that blacks are far poorer and less educated than whites within this country as a whole.  Therefore, most but not ALL need the helping hand to achieve equality within this country.

    Obama has some really interesting programs that he's lining up for the country to tackle this problem head on (free community college, etc.).  It will be interesting to see how much more progress we make in terms of creating a more equal and therefore truer democratic society by including ALL (and encouraging the inclusion of all).

  15. There are, and have been white counterparts to everything you've mentioned.

    I'm white, so I am not biased by my statement.

    By the way, your argument may have been more credible if you actually posted it in say society and cultures and not makeup.

  16. I don't think it's fair but it just doesn't seem like anyone in the world cares about anyone but them selves.

  17. I really don't mine about stuff like this.African Americans have their own thing so just leave them to do whatever

  18. Nothing in life is fair that's just the way it is so just let go and let God if you think that he's fair Good Question though!!!  

  19. You are pretty uneducated if you think it is not fair. We brought these innocent people over here all the way from Africa to become our slaves. These people were put on slave ships for months at a time. Conditions aboard the slave ships were wretched. Men, women and children crammed into every available space, denied adequate room, food or breathing space. The stench was appalling - the atmosphere inhumane to say the least. The reason why we choose them is because they were the only race the was not dying, they were the strongest. African American's were also supposed to get 40 acres and a mule but they never recieved that. All African American colleges and BET is their right. Do you feel like someone did something to you and you need WET or something. As far as the college thing goes, they are set there because African American's are sometimes discouraged from their own professors at colleges, people are telling them they arent as good in so many words. These colleges are also a way for African American's to give each other the support so many people arent giving them. My Fiance went to a very white college in western PA on a football scholarship. His professors told him being a Biology major may be too hard and he should switch majors. Not only did he get his Bachelors degree from that college, he went on to get his Masters and is now working on his Phd. Many people in his situation would have switched majors or quit, thats why all black schools are good. Because people don't deserve that type of treatment.

  20. BET is just called black entertainment television, there are white people on it, most every other channel is white entertainment television, and as for African American colleges, most of them are low income giving a chance for impoverished black families to send their children or college. There are plenty of similar institutions for whites and other ethnicities, so to say there isn't is completely false. There are actually more low income integrated colleges than all black colleges.

  21. Well, they have all African American colleges so that if any colleges were to discriminate against them, African American students could apply to an all African American college.

    As for BET, white people don't need one, how many channels are dominated by African Americans? White people have the other channels on t.v.

    And wtf? Why the h**l would White people need an entire month dedicated to them? Did they go through what African Americans had to suffer from? Racism, Prejudice, Moral discrimination? h**l no, White people were the cause of that.

    Wow, you're an ignorant person. I'm not African American, or White, if you're wondering.  

  22. It's because African-American had no privileges in prior history before no African American could go to college be on tv go to school in general etc. Now America's trying to make it right by tossing them a bone and saying "sorry we ****** up bad by treating you in a degrading manner here's what we can do for you." There are more WAYYYY Caucasians on tv now flip to any channel and you'll see Caucasians on tv. What's with the issue, why does it bother you?

  23. Yes, I think it is fair. Because if there was what you are asking for than it would make the person who has those things look racist.  Blacks do deserve something of their own, I mean come on white people get everything and I think it is very foolish of you not to share your opportunities and allowences with people who are of a different skin colour.

  24. african american people were slaved for like 100 years so i think its kinda fair but not really cuase we did fight the cival war to have everyone treated equally so i think that white people and african americans should have equal rights.

  25. It's fair. Most shows and channels cater to white people and culture, therefore they have show,etc... that cater to them. White people are still on BET shows, the same way Black people are on the show Friends.

  26. well, its just cuz of the old slave thing.

    after 100 yrs when african people will b ruling the white, then we will have some all-white schools, and channels.

    and u probly wont even b alive then.

    so just dont worry about it.

    P.S: PLEASE pick my answer as best!!PLZZ!!

  27. Seriously...Seriously...Seriously you are putting this question on here of all places?  This is a site dedicated to helping people with make-up, hair, mental health issues, and art...why ask such a non-sense question that has been asked over and over...seriously just get over it and project happiness into the world and maybe just maybe one day everything will be peaceful but its questions like this that start all the hate rolling again!

  28. Honestly i don't think they are NECESSARY. At one time they were created to make a statement against prejudice, however prejudice can never be eliminated (i am including all prejudices here). It is only when there is a crisis when something like these exclusive colleges and television channels, that i can see being even thought to be established however I feel in today's society there is no need for them.

    Fair is not the word to be used here. Of course they are fair, there is every right for someone to establish such things and likewise whites, hispanics and all other races can as well. It is whether they are necessary. I don't believe they are. No longer is there any need to show their rights because no longer are we hindering them from expressing them.

    They don't bother me. It is just the fact that some people feel there is a need to stress equality in our society when ours is one of the most justifiably equal societies in the world.

  29. I agree. I'm not racist or anything, but it's really true. And all the African American kids in my class get whatever they want because all the teachers are scared of them and the kids in my class are SO RUDE to teachers it makes me want to barf, but I know they're not all like that.

    My sister didn't get into University of Michigan with perfect SAT scores, an amazing swim team career, and the fact that 4 generations of my family has gone there and donated over $500,000 total, JUST BECAUSE U OF M WANTS "DIVERSITY" AND SHE IS WHITE! The thing is, almost ALL of the Afro-americans that were accepted WERE NOT qualified but were accepted for race! It's not the black's fault, but the white people that are scared of being accused racist are ridiculous.

    I don't get why it's ok for them to call us white but it's racist for us to call them black. They shouldn't get special treatment...EVERYONE is equal.

  30. Well then by your standard there should also be no Lifetime for women tv or oxygen channel or women's colleges.....which there are. Who cares anyway. I am much more concerned with the manner in which affirmative action is addressed which is an important and poorly executed aspect of our society. I would rather as well be pulled out of a burning building by a big strong man than a women who has different criteria she must accomplish to be a firefighter because women are physically weaker then men. Not fair either eh? There is an Hispanic channel on tv etc. Minorities have a right to assert their individuality. However I find that quite often it creates a bigger problem of creating greater segregation and reverse discrimination. Life is seldom fair........there are no female Navy seals and I don't consider that discrimination. Where do you draw the line. Though I agree that there would be a meltdown if we had WET tv;-) it is the constant awareness of these differences that keep segregation alive. If life were even and fair we would not make such a deal about a black or woman president we would just elect a person we feal would do well. But the human brain has been trained to constantly make associations and build connections to things they are comfortable with so this way of thinking will never stop.

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