
Do you think any spirit would choose to be born into a totally handicapped body?

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I mean...a body that can't do anything...even talk. What could that spirit possibly learn or teach others? Especially if they're in a place where they get minimum care. I worked with the cerebral palsy handicapped & I know there are people like this. You can't even communicate with them. What's the purpose...unless to make others feel guilty?




  1. My niece, has cerebral palsy. Her physical capabilities are very limited, confined to her wheelchair, dependant on round the clock personal care. Attends a normal high school, in normal classes, has many friends despite her disabilities and difficulties with speech. She has an absolutely amazing spirit, she shines  on a day to day basis. She accepts her life, the way it is. She enjoys life from a different perspective, her humour is contagious, and she does see the funny side of almost every situation. Incredibly witty! Not only does she derive joy from those around her, she hands it out so effortlessly. I do believe that all children choose their own parents - for whatever reason. These children are given definitely for a higher purpose.  Those children, who appear , to not communicate,  are there, they know what is going on around them, they just lack the physical ability to demonstrate it in  socially acceptable form, and should not be treated with any less respect than any other child. You can communicate with them, it isn't always verbal communication they respond to.   They are here to help teach patience and love, unconditionally!!!!

  2. Spirit's don't choose what body they are reborn into.  It's not their decision.  

    However, if they did have the choice I don't think it would be to make other people feel guilty, but rather to teach people how to show compassion by having to care for a child who is mentally/physically challenged.  Or maybe to show them how lucky they are that they are that they are completely healthy.  They may do it to better someone else's life.

  3. Some people who are very religious may want my skull for this, but I believe that a soul has to learn certain things before it can move on to 'eternal happiness' or 'damnation'.  therefor according to my belief, a soul born into a body that is totally helpless is there to learn to let others care for them, or maybe they need to learn what it is to be neglected because they neglected someone once before.  Also it may be for the soul caring for them to learn to nurture and care for another.  To teach them that about compassion and love...  

    I can come up with no other reason for a child to die before it reaches its 1st birthday unless it is to teach the parent(s) souls about loss.  We do come up with the most amazing things to make ourselves feel like there is purpose to our lives don't we...

  4. Perhaps you are looking through the wrong lense. They could be here to teach love and compassion to their family members by bringing them together. They may be here to experience what is is like in order to progress on their own spiritual path. Just because something looks one way does not mean it is so. Each of us is a unique and powerful spirit of our own....There is no such thing as helpless or handicapped. There are only lessons to be learned. What has this person taught you? They obviously have you thinking about living life in another way? Perhaps they have taught you to appreciate all that you have.

  5. All life communicates, most people don't listen.  That is one of the nice things about being psychic, you know that animals talk to people, people who learn their language can understand what they want and need.  You should read Monty Roberts  book The Man Who Listens to Horses.  Horses communicate with each other  in many ways.  Once you learn to communicate on different levels your world will open up to new things you never thought of.  Just think of the possibility of a way to help young handicapped people.  Helen Keller's life changed because someone tried to communicate with her.

  6. It depends what they did in a past life. Someone like Hitler would probably be reincarnated into a handicapped body for what he did. It all depends on what they did in their past life. It effects what body and what happends to them in their next. People who don't find the meaning of life and accept it are consequently reborn however many times they need in order to find it.

    Well, this is for if you believe in karma, reincarnation, etc.

  7. I believe they are here to teach others patience, understanding and empathy (NOT sympathy).

  8. Not all handicapped people were born this way. Some become this way because of negligence of the Dr's. It happened to my second cousin who ended up a total vegetable. They are saying now that cerebral palsy is from the Dr's doing a botched delivery. You can't blame God for what we humans do and have done.

  9. Umm who told you we get to choose our bodies before we are born???? God chooses them for us.

  10. yes. to heal whatever in them attracted that.. or as grace said to help other ppl with what they are supposed to learn

  11. There are universal laws that we dont understand yet..But maybe it does have something to do with their past life.....

    Then alot of it has to do with human accidents and such...The world cannt be perfect, and there will always be human error.....

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