
Do you think any teen celebrities will get into what they think or say they won't????

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Just like Vanessa Hudgens and Miley Cyrus... they claimed that they wouldn't get involved with all the drugs, alcohol, nudity and all that stuff. And see what happened. Not that we should judge, but with all the pressure and publicity, would other upcoming teen celebrities like selena gomez, demi lovato, the jonas brothers, and etc. get involved????




  1. I bet they will.

    I mean, it's a cycle.

    With the Beatles, it was all about the clean-cut, good kids making their music.

    Then went like the Rolling Stones, with the craziness and being bad was cool and rebellion.

    It goes back and forth, and I guess right now, we're at a point where it's good to be clean-cut.

    But just wait until they're a bit older and that pendulum swings the other way.

  2. It's what happens with corporate musicians made popular not for their talent as they don't have any but rich network people throw money at them and tell you what's popular. I have hated britney spears for as long as I can remember and that goes the same for any/every disney "superstar" shoved down our throats. A lot can happen in a short period of time.

  3. Well for the Jonas brothers i know they wont do that


    becuase their parents are there everywhere they go!

    and they have their own family tour bus so mom and dad and Frankie are alwayz there! lol

  4. They might already BE involved. Just want to look picture perfect for the media and public eye....

  5. umm maybe..........I wonder if u already saw selena and demi's bikini picture I think on future picture will be more trendy or racy than that.

  6. I think it is slightly possible that Selena or Demi would, but unlikely.  I think they have hopefully learned from the mistakes of girls like Vanessa Hudgens and Lindsey Lohan.  But as for the Jonas Brothers, I know they won't.  People can call me dumb and ignorant all they want, but I know they are smart and mature enough to not get caught up in the wrong things.  They have been raised extremely well and will without a doubt stay the great guys they are.

  7. Bullshit - come back in 5 years.

  8. Wasn't Britney Spears going to stay a virgin? Hillary Duff anti drugs? yeah right, that worked well for them.

    It's better for their images to say things like that, but honestly, who are we to judge them?

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