
Do you think anyone has gone to jail in Louisiana for wearing a Malcolm X cap?

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Malcolm X instructed blacks to pick up guns and kill white people in his "And I dont mean bananas" speech. People wear his shirts and hang his posters in their dorm rooms. A guy in Louisiana hangs nooses from his bumper and gets 4 months. How is that right?




  1. No, it's not an offence in our 'free' country. but you go round wearing a KKK  badge or whatever and your feet wouldn't touch the ground before they hauled you in.

  2. That would be the flip side of those stupid hate crime laws. I suggest writing your state representative and demanding the repeal of the hate crime laws, which only segregate victims based on the perceived thoughts of the criminal.

  3. Some states have "hate symbol" laws, which i personally think is a violation of the First Amendment. Although i disagree with hate symbols, i also think people have the right to express themselves.  

  4. stoopid is as stoopid does, and it may even extend to stoopid is as stoopid posts stoopid questions as well.

  5. I wish people knew the REAL story of Jena, La. That is the biggest case of reverse race discrimination and racism against whites that I've ever seen. The blacks (not all blacks) in this case didn't just stretch the truth, they lied about the facts and the entire incident.

    This guy was not charged with a hate crime. He was charged with a federal offense of impeding the marchers. It was originally thought that he would be charged with a La. statute of Inciting A Riot.

    I work in La. and I worked the Jena protests and it was a joke.

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