
Do you think anything could have happened?

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Okay, yesterday I was hanging out with some friends and I ending up going with this guy I've known for years[about six] and we ended up smoking marijuana[please don't be a douche] It was better & stronger stuff than I'm used to, I also had not slept all night or eaten all day, and I was off my medication also I had not smoked in exactly two weeks. My friend[a different friend] talked to the guy who sold it, and we deducted that is was NOT laced.

Anyways I can remember bits and pieces of it. I know I fainted a few times onto concrete, and I remember him holding my hand afterwards while I was attempting to walk, then I know he ditched me. I ended up finding my trustworthy friends later. then ended up sitting in my friends car until it wore off enough. Anyways, I'm sorta worried he may have done stuff with me. Like I remember some of the ride there, and I don't remember anything happening.

I know earlier in the day were joking around and I was like "Who in "the name of our town" haven't you slept with" and he pointed at my best friend and I. then he was also like "You want my d!ck" and I assured him that I in fact did not want it.

Would I know it if he had s*x with me?

{I'm not a virgin, but I haven't had s*x in about a month}

I have learned my lesson about smoking with him, & smoking stuff that I'm not used to, especially when I'm not fit to do it.

I am seventeen years old.

Like I said before, please don't be mean.




  1. Well, can you remember if any of your articles of clothing were on a different way, do you have any pain in that area. If it was rape, you might be having pain there. Was anyone else there? Ask your friend that helped you if anything seemed different. Next time if you do something like that, make sure trustworthy friends are there that won't get so high that they can't remember anything. Be safe.  

  2. im not judging you or trying to be mean but...

    you sound like you're not hanging out with the right crowd.. this can be a really dangerous route! some of my closest friends have gone down the s*x/drugs/alcohol route and they have not come back(if you know what i mean). It's like talking to a zombie for the rest of your friendship. i actually had a friend get raped because she was so drugged up and the guy didn't use protection!

    it's not too late to stop using drugs and to stop having s*x(if you're not a virgin). there is nothing wrong with being straight laced.. it's the best thing for you. i'm not saying you can't hang with guys and have fun, but please stop with the drugs(for your own health of course)!

    have a good day.;)

  3. Sometimes the consequences for doing these things are horrible, sometimes nothing bad happens. Either way, best not to risk it. You should stop smoking.

    Anything could have happened. If you want to know you could go to a doctor and they MIGHT be able to tell you.

    I hope nothing did happen, and I hope you won't do drugs anymore.

  4. I would have to say just dont do weed with him. Maybe anyone that might have seen if he did something maybe u should see them. I would say dont get high but it is your life and you choose how you wanna live it so i am not going to tell you dont do it but make a wise decision

  5. if you felt a little weirder than you usual do when you

    stop being high[well you should know how you feel after having s*x] then there's a possible chance you did something.

    most likely it was something small like a kiss or you guys

    just randomly made out.  

  6. if theres any way you can talk to him then just be straight out and ask him . play it off like you dont care if you guys did or didnt and see what he says . just dont act mad about it cus he might deny it.

    best of luckkk

  7. I'd take Plan B if I was you just in case he did something with you.

    That sucks though. I think the whole medication thing had something to do with the pot. Also DON'T smoke on a empty stomach. My friend did that and threw up all over the place. It was sooo gross. We had to sit around vomit and pass our joints :P

    By the way, did you dye your hair? Haha

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