
Do you think art is wothwhile? Why or why not?

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Do you think art is wothwhile? Why or why not?




  1. if ur talking about like paintings and museum stuff then yea since its people expressing ideas and feelings onto a canvas or into a piece of jewelry or a vase... they put there whole being into it. Then theres the recreational artist which still is worthwhile since it can relieve stress and is fun to some people.

    then theres literature and songs or lyrics which others would consider art too, which i believe music has declined over the years but that doesnt mean its worthwhile. Some people will argue that us humans will never have any more masterpieces such as those from beethoven and bach but thats because our form of music has evolved with society and i believe we still continue to make amazing pieces of work still today.

    So i guess my answer is yes i do find art worthwhile.

  2. Anything that lifts the spirit is worthwhile.

  3. Define art. Alot of art these days is just c**p.

  4. Absolutely! Look at it this way...all the famous world wonders are created artistically! The Pyramids, The Eiffel Tower, etc. Architecture is a form of art. Plus painting? The Systenine (sp?) Chapel in Italy is obviously renowned for its artwork.

    On a more personal level its a fact that having an artistic outlet actually combats children with ADHD/ADD, stimulates the nerves in your brain and can make you smarter.

  5. i'm in art class at school right now. If it was worthwile i wouldnt be on yahoo answers....

    art is just another way of expression.

  6. art i8s very much worthwhile there are allot of job you can get in art and also art is a good thing to do so you can relax

  7. only worth if it has possibility to make good money,otherwise it's waste of time and money both.

  8. Of course Art Rocks! I'm studying interior design and I will defenatelly brnrfit from it. Any one that is in designing know it's worth while!

  9. I think art is worthwile but it's in the eye of the beholder. Just because you go to an art gallery or listen to a song, it doesn't mean it's going to mean something to you. An artistic piece is only art if it means something to someone. If you splash paint across a canvas and somebody thinks it makes them feel a certain way, then it's art to them even if nobody else. If there's a cheesy love song on the radio that everyone likes , it doesn't mean it's art. But if there's someone that it deeply moves, it's art to them. I think art in all forms is a very personal subject, because it's different in it's appeals to everyone. I believe that asking " what kind of music do you like " is a very intricate and personal question.

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