
Do you think asking for a new phone for my 18th bday is too much?

by  |  earlier

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the one i have is almost like a yr old. i don't like it b/c its bulky, big, ugly, and a flip phone. i don't like flip phones. my dad doesn't see the reason to get me one. i want the new lg shine, which is $49. is that too much? i mean if he's not wiling to get me that one, then ill settle for something much less.




  1. If this is a birthday present, then $49 is not too much to celebrate your 18th birthday. Does the new phone add additional monthly charges to your parents phone bill? Perhaps that is why they are balking at getting you a new phone.

    If your parents still don't agree to giving you a new phone for your birthday, perhaps you can work off the price by doing chores around the house, running errands for them or helping out your family in another way.

  2. um NO!

    you're 18! he should be getting you a car or something

  3. No it's a special birthday and that seems a really sensible price.  You seem really mature and thoughtful - for someone of your age to say they will settle for something less than they want is great!

    Have a great birthday.

  4. there's nothing wrong with asking.  just don't get disappointed if you don't get it.  at age 18, you can begin providing for yourself.

  5. A $49 phone dollar doesn't sound like something that's too much, as long as you haven't asked for a bunch of other $50 items.

  6. If you are going to be 18 you can always get your own cell phone account then you can buy any phone you want. When my son turns 13 he is going to get a pre-paid and he will have pre-paid until he is old enough to buy his own in his own name.

  7. Well, I think that if you talk to him respectfully, giving him a responsible reason for your need of a new phone that he would give you one. But if he happens to turn you down, I'd go out and get a job so that I could afford it and that would also show your dad you are responsible.  I hope you do get it, but be thankful you even have a phone (as bulky and ugly as it is) many people out there don't have the nice things that you or I can afford to have. I do hope you get it, God bless.

  8. its not enough to ask for

  9. I don't know your family's financial situation, but considering that 18 is a big year, and lots of kids ask for much more (like a car!) I think a $50 phone isn't unreasonable.

  10. A $49 phone does not seem like too much at all, especially if that is all that you ask for. It is good that you wouldn't be upset if you got something else though, after all, it is a gift, and you should be greatful for whatever you get.

    To Having a boy!!! :) : I don't think that anyone is missing the point. It would be one thing if the asker wanted the phone for a treat on a normal day. It is for her birthday, a time when most people get gifts that are things that they want, not things that they necessarily "need." She has said that her parents are in good shape financially, and she has also said that she will be perfectly understanding if her dad still doesn't want one.

    Though I agree with you that she shouldn't expect one, especially if her father has already said no, the question was, is the phone too much to ask for, and the answer was "no."

    This does not mean that her father is in the wrong or a bad person for saying no to the phone, it simply means that, in our opinion, assuming it will not hurt her parents financially, a $49 phone is not an unreasonable request.

    Of course she should not be upset or disappointed if she does not receive the phone, as I said, it is a gift, and she should be grateful for anything she recieves. But there is nothing wrong with making a suggestion for a possible gift, so long as she does not harp on it, or complain if her father says "no."

  11. no what are your family a bunch of cheapos?

  12. Well if its not the cost thats an issue than no I dont think its to much to ask. I mean if it dosnt hurt them finacally. A gift is something we give to someone because we want to give them something they would like. And 49. isnt a ton for a phone. If you asked your dad to look at new phones with you and he saw what your are asking for isnt really a BIG cost considering all the phones out there he might change his mind. Maybe he just dosnt realize that many phones are allot higher the what you are asking for he might change his mind.

  13. If your asking that question...then heck no!  Sounds like your pretty responsible and reasonable to me.

  14. no way !x $49 is cheap for a phone !x i get a new phone almost every year and many are like £40-£50 so i think they will let you have one which is like half that. Just ask you hae nothing to loose

    Good luck

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