
Do you think at 23 I will be able to stop having children?

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I am expecting our second child in December, a boy, and we have a 2 and a half year old girl. I really wanted one of each gender, and now that I am going to get my wish with the first two kids, I am leaning towards not having a third child. The way I am thinking is that I have two hands, so one for each kid, two parents, one for each kid, we have a landcruiser so could fit more kids, but we can fit a bunch of luggage in the back if we don't use the extra seats hehe. Do you think we could provide a more fun life for 2 kids than more? If we buy a 4 bedroom house we will have a room spare for the computer. We will probably have more money and be able to travel more often. What do you think? Can I, at 23 years old, finalise the baby making? Or will I change my mind in the next 15 years?




  1. Yes you  can, if you don't want anymore children have your tubes tied after you have your son.  It is ok to only have 2 children, and the more kids you have the more money you have to spend raising them.  They are not cheap!

  2. Don't make any permanent decisions yet. You might want more children in the future

  3. Well that is only a question that you can answer.We had two kids. My wife was 28 when we had our last child. So if you think that you may want more kids.I would hold off before I do anything. Yes it is okay to only have two kids. It is what ever you feel secure with.You can always use birth control and wait till you get older. If you feel that you

    don't want anymore children once you get older then take care of your self.

  4. why not wait and see what happens with time. You may get to 33 and deside it is time for more kids. Never say never

  5. Im 25 and in the same situation. I can't decide what I want to do. I think Im going to try the Mirena and see if I change my mind in the next five years. You never know what will happen, ya know.

    Good luck with your decision. Not having more kids knowing that you will be able to give the kids you have now a good life, seems like a good decision to me.

  6. It's completely your choice. If you really enjoy children, then I say go for more and don't worry about the money. However, if you would rather keep the 2 you have and provide them with a better lifestyle (more clothes, food, travelling, etc) then stop. But it's your choice. Just talk to your husband and kid(s) about it.

  7. I wouldn't make permanent changes based on my ideas when you're 23.  Are you different now then you were when you were 17?  Stands to reason you'll be a different person when you're 29...35...etc.  And when you're a different person then you'll have different ideas.  Not to be the voice of doom and I hope this does NOT happen...but by 35 you could be divorced and remarried, wanting a child with your new husband.  My point is only that you never truly know what life brings, that's all...

    It's just birth control...get the shot or the ring or some other long term form of control...something you don't have to think about every day.  You'll be covered against having more, won't have the hassle of remembering that pill every day or worrying about condoms but you'll leave a door unlocked that you may want to walk thru again one day.

    Good luck and take good care of yourself, your new baby, your sweet girl and husband!! :)

  8. see i already made up my mind..but its MY personal on my second.. and i dont plan on stopping either.. i would LOVE a big family.. i just have to space them out a bit.

  9. You know, you make a great argument for only having 2. And if you are done, wow! You will be great parents, and enjoy every minute. But I wouldn't do anything permanent for a few years, just in case you do change your minds. Try an IUD or something after baby gets here, and if five years or so down the road you are sure that 2 is your limit, then get something more permanent done :). Good luck.

  10. I would not do anything permanent yet, you are still so young. You really never know what your future holds. Try an IUD, they make ones that can be left in place for 5 -10 years, or removed if you want to have another baby.  

  11. Wow, this isn't the type of question I'd expect on a website like this. I don't know that anyone can answer this for you. Having kids isn't about how big your house or car is. Do what you feel is right. You can prevent pregnancy with several methods until you KNOW that you're done having kids. Then if you decide later that you want another, you can have another. Talk to someone other than a Yahoo Answer board about this one. It is a pretty serious matter.

  12. I think its too early too tell. Wait to see what happens, when your done having kids - you'll both know.

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