
Do you think at some point in the future we (t/ human race) will be able to detect the soul leaving the body?

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If we were able to detect the soul entering the body (something beyond biological function ~ with 'measurable' scientific results) then would we one day soon thereafter be able to detect the soul leaving the body at the point of death? Perhaps that most fundamental part of the soul are particles we can't detect yet?




  1. It seems to me that if we were able to detect a soul entering a body then we could also detect a soul leaving a body.  That would be quite incredible!  I really can't guess if we'll ever be able to do that or not.

  2. You might like this article. There is a part about your question.

  3. I hope not.

  4. I suppose it's possible, but I don't think it's likely. You might as well try to measure a cartoon leaving your television when you unplug the DVD player.

    There was an experiment a hundred years ago to try to measure the weight of the human soul by weighing people right before and right after they died. Dr. Duncan MacDougall came up with an answer of 3/4 of an ounce, which is about 21 grams. You'll often hear it said that when a human dies their body mass decreases by 21 grams, but it isn't true. A keystone of the scientific method is repeatability, and this erroneous result has not been repeated. Subsequent experiments show no change in mass pre- and post-mortem.

  5. I dont think a soul could ever be detected because as far as i can understand the meaning of ''soul'' is a psycological force. I think before being able to detect the souls, they will find a way of recording dreams first!

  6. The first item on the agenda would be to verify the existence of the soul.  There is no real reason to believe we have one.  It's a mythical and religious concept, not a scientifically validated one.

  7. There are already people that has had personal experiences of "detect the soul leaving the body".

    When I worked in a Nursing home a lot of my co-worker including myself had stories of seeing or feeling the soul leave before the person died.  I never detected this though from people that had been out of it for a long time, ie on feeding tubes and on ventilators.  I always had the feeling that they were just an empty shell.

  8. If there is some sort of invisible part of us that leaves after death, and retains some of our essence and remains in the omniverse somehow, then I suppose it is possible.  This is dependent on a whole lot of presupposition, however.

  9. During the rapture.

  10. I'm stumped. Since when have we been able to detect a "soul"entering a body. By scientific methods of course, Sylvia Brown and Montel don't count.

  11. Absolutely. We are going to verify a lot more of what we believers already know. You will be able to see the soul leave the body, follow the energy, detect the energy, communicate, etc.,. Look how far we have come already in the last 30 years. It is amazing. Every year more and more is coming out. If you can think of it , then it is possible.

  12. Difficult to say, without a definition of what you mean by "soul".  Often the key to getting an answer is to first sort out exactly what is meant by the question.

    If by "soul" you mean the same as "mind", then of course the relationship of the brain to the mind is still one of the great mysteries.  It seems very unlikely that anything called mind outlives the brain, but no-one really knows.


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