
Do you think australia should get rid of the queen and be a democracy country?

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i just want to know how many people out there wats to get rid of queen elizabeth II




  1. what democracy?If the Queen is lost then the whole system shall become politicized.There is no democracy here as the ministers first lie to us to get  votes and then they go do what they want to do without being responsible to the electorate,US.approximately 46 out of a hundred Australians want to get rid of her(as seen in the 1999 Form of Head of State Elections)and others don't want to change the constitution as it is working perfectly fine(me included).

  2. Democracy has nothing to do with whether Australia has a queen. Australia is already a democratic, independent country. Democracy is rated on whether the people can have elections or not - and in Australia they do, of course.

    Australia has been an independent country within the Commonwealth of Nations for a very long time. There are other countries such as Canada, Malta, Jamaica, Nigeria, New Zealand and so on that belong to the same Commonwealth (or club).

    Australia will one day be a republic (I think that's what you mean). This will mean having a President rather than a Queen. When they all decide whether the president should be chosen by public vote or by parliament, they will come to some agreement and it will happen. But it will not change the way Australia is governed at all. The queen is a figure head of state.

    Hope this sorts out your confusion.

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