
Do you think bachelor parties get out of hand,and can lead to cheating?

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Do you think bachelor parties get out of hand,and can lead to cheating?




  1. The only person that could let it get out of hand is your fiance.If he loves you dear,nothing will happen.

  2. It depends on how you handle them.

  3. yes i believe it can

  4. To be honest- only if your fiance allows it to happen.

  5. yes i mean a bachelor party should be fun with girls of course but no s*x no touching and no kissing =] thats what i think

  6. anything is possible. It depends on the groom-to-be i suppose. But then again he really loves you that is why he is marrying you. For you to have that kind of doubts is not a good start to a healthy marriage. Just trust the guy and everything will be fine. If you have been having doubts all along... and he gives you a reason for your doubts... well that is another story.

    wishing the best for a lifelong happy marriage.  

  7. I keep seeing these,IF HE LOVES YOU answers, for sure he loves you, your getting married, BUT, what about his party...lets see... Strippers...alcohol...strippers,...guys ...strippers...alcohol...DRUNK...strippe... enough said...

  8. If you can't trust him at his bachelor party how can you ever trust being married to him...

  9. If he really loves you there should be anythign to worry about!

  10.'re going to hate my answer

    warning: alternative lifestyle alert

    Before we got married my Fiance had a lot of freedom.  In fact...both of us still do kiss and touch other people (of both sexes).

    Since I am his one and only (only intercourse partner), he was aloud to have s*x at his bachelor party.  

    Guess what?

    He didn't!

    He wouldn't because even though he had permission...he didn't want to be with someone else.

    That being said.  Going into it he WAS afraid of the peer pressure.  It's hard to say no to the boys...especially when they've gone and paid (maybe a lot) for a trick.

    Have a talk with your Fiance.  Tell him what is and what is not okay (because obviously it's different for everyone).  And then tell him to forward that info to his friends before hand.  Or talk to his best friend yourself.  Get a commitment from him before hand and ask him to also make that commitment to himself.  This is actually a good policy when going into any situation where peer pressure will be a factor.

  11. Well if the guy loves you then no way but ive seen them get pretty crazy.

  12. well it is their last night of freedom but no matter what, they will always love you. they might get crazy but obviously not out of hand!

  13. I have seen too many fiancees do stupid things at their bachelor parties.  Do not let him have one so then their is no way you have to worry.  I mean really why is their a need for one anyways.  I feel they are a way to get yourself in to big trouble and get drunk the night before your wedding.  

    If your fiancee loves you he wont cheat.  But I had a guy friend who said he loved his fiancee.  The night before the wedding he cheated with the stripper who was at the party.

  14. Well it depends on that particular party. If it has a stripper then it might

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