
Do you think because there is not as much culing of seals and whales etc.our fish stocks are so low?

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Do you think because there is not as much culing of seals and whales etc.our fish stocks are so low?




  1. It has nothing to do with seals, dolphins or whales...It has to do with man.

    Humanity overdoes everything...including fishing in our oceans!

  2. Yes. I'm sure one whale eats more fish in a year than most towns do.

  3. Over fishing by humans is the problem.

  4. ask your self the question why did we stop culling them in the first place yeah

  5. think we dont cull everything?even humans?why do you think bush is at war?just to get all the men on the other side of the world so ther would be a lot of horny woman running around?

  6. Or we're over fishing, either one.

  7. Over fishing by humans seams to be the answer. Nature will cull the sick and weak or over abundance of animals in any situation and strike a balance...

  8. Wouldn't it be great if we could pin the blame for this on nature?

    But we can't. The seals and whales always existed, always took their share. And there was plenty. Man's factory ships didn't always exist. Now they do - and the fish are disappearing.

  9. Commercial fishing practices have all but depleted fish populations and in some cases,certain species are almost depleted such as the Atlantic Cod. This has been going on since the 1980's. Programs are under way to limit certain catches and to make sure these restrictions are followed The US  Coastguard will board Foreign and Native fishing vessels to be sure the guidelines are followed.

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