
Do you think beer has any good for us in long term ? i am more to think that beer is like poisonous ? since

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do you think beer has any good for us in long term ? i am more to think that beer is like poisonous ? since its composition has nothing good for our body ? and why does my body always alergic to beer ( if i drink more than 1 regular bottle, my body will show sign like reddish splash and itchy? )




  1. i always been told a beer a day is good for you

  2. drink in moderation, beer is a h**l of alot better than drinking soda pop or hard alcohol. wine is healthy for heart also

  3. Beer has amazing benefits.  It's a better sports drink after a work out than  sports drink like Gatorade.  It has complex carbs that allow you body to get back to regular quicker, as well as encouraging your body to drink more water.  The alcohol can even help ease the pain of a workout.

    Beer was original used as food substitute by monks during Lent... they brewed Duble Bok, aka Double Bock, which is essentially liquid bread that enabled them to get through the fasting periods.

    If you think your allergic, you should look into that with a doctor, I really think that Yahoo isn't the place to determine your medical fortunes.

  4. In the really, really long term (8,000 years ago or or longer), beer and bread together probably made civilization possible. Beer was safer to drink than water, more nutritious than early bread, and easier to make. Beer required grains, which led to agriculture. Some of the earliest writings ever found refer to beer.

    You probably aren't allergic to beer, but to one of the ingredients or additives. Could be a barley or wheat allergy, or yeast, or hops.  I get hives from some kinds of wine that contain sulfites -- it's not the wine itself, it's the additives.

    Anything done to excess is bad for an individual person. Calories to excess lead to weight gain, alcohol to excess leads to health and social problems, sloppiness to excess leads to really smelly people. Even water in excess is deadly.  

  5. Yes too musch beer in long term will spoil your kidney

  6. Alcohol is very, very good for you! Unfortunately, America is a very conservative place to drink alcohol. Any drinking is heavily frowned upon. In fact, a bottle of beer a day is better than an aspirin a day!

    The red, slotchy coloring you get is from a type of rosacea.


  7. Any kind of alcoholic beverages kills brain cells.  Check it out.

  8. you shouldnt drink beer it is not goood for you!

  9. I cannot stand the smell of beer my brother drinks maybe two bud light lime when he get home from work and try to take a zip of it but moments later i start to get light headed and throw it away that is the portion i drank the rest i give to him. i guess i could be alergic but hey who knows  

  10. Beer, in moderate quantities, ranks up there with red wine as a health food. If you break out when you drink more than one beer, stop at one or drink something else. Problem solved.

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