
Do you think being a mum is as worthy/prestigious a career?

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as doing something which earns a lot of money or makes you very famous etc?

I had a busy life before my son was born, I was a semi-pro dancer, worked 40 hours a week, had lots of hobbies. Since I had my son 18 months ago its all been put on the shelf! I haven't danced for 2 years now, I only work on weekends (in a very non-prestigious job!) so I can be with my son in the week and don't really have any hobbies anymore (I take a monthly music lesson just for fun). I'm plannig to go back to college in September but part time so I don't have to leave my son in childcare.

Some people make me feel like such a failure - it seems that being "just" a mum isn't enough these days and you're expected to have a career and busy social life as well. But TBH my son is all I really care about, and after looking after him I don't have a lot of energy left to do anything else

What do you all think?




  1. Hi , my mum passed away last year aged 90, she was the most exceptional unassuming and generous person I have ever met, she was full of "grace" and I loved her, I understand that not everybody has a mother like that , yes of course she gave up a lot for me but that act of motherhood can not be com paired to a job if it were we could not pay women enough money just for giving birth to baby's, let alone all the other indignity's a child can inflict on a mum, enjoy being a mum, you have earned it.

  2. Staying to look after your son is a great thing to do, and it may not be a career but it makes you a great person to be spending time with him. some people might think that to do well for your kids you need to have a good career and earn loads and loads of money to provide for them, but it isnt all about material things and what you can buy your kids, the most important thing is to be there when theyre growing up -every step of the way. so job or no job, being a stay-at-home mum is the best thing to be for your kids benefit, so they can bond and stay close to you all their life. And anyway i cant stand it when people have a new baby then fob it off to a babysitter everyday... whats the point in even having a child? Youre doing a great job. ;)

  3. yes but I have a 6 month old and bought a business 4 months ago i work 40-50 hrs a week and spend the rest of the time with my son we are very bonded. I enjoy my son very much and he is a happy baby he already says mama! :)

    it is very important to raise your child but that's it your raise them then they leave.... 1st rule of being a good parent do not forget about yourself.... you need to be confident as a person your children will follow in your footsteps! be a role model and let them know you can do anything!

    be happy for you and your kids


  4. I think being a mum is a very "worthy" job, but it can't be called "prestigious"... I am currently home with my son too (he is only 3 months) and I plan to stay home with him until he is about 1.5 years before I will look at working "properly" again. I think at that age they can start to benefit from spending some time at nursery around other children and adults and learning things that you don't necessarily do with him at home. People that try to make you feel like a failure (I say "try to make you" as only you can choose to feel as one) are stupid and ignorant. I do not believe small children should be left for extended periods of time by their mothers/parents - it is not good for bonding (according to child phycologists etc and also just common sense) and there is so much happening at this age that I just couldn't imagine missing! As he gets older I am sure you will start getting more energy and also may choose to do something else (like dancing) a bit more actively - it is good for children to also learn to be away from their parents every now and then too , as long as it is in a fun and safe environment for them. Once he starts school he will be doing that every day anyway.

  5. of course

  6. Don't worry about what others think.  I love looking after my baby and I also gave up a good job.  As for having a social life for me, I'm too tired.

  7. motherhood and bringing up your child when you have one is number 1. but i have kept my same career intact, i work less hours so that i can spend the majority of my time with my daughter, it angers me to see my friends who dont work, going out spending money when i struggle to get by even when working. keep a balance thats the key. make sure your a number 1 mum, but also have your independence,and bring your own money in even if only workin part time. it doesnt matter whatever job it is. you could be a cleaner and you should be proud, your earning your own living. set a good example and make yourself and your child happy and proud xx

  8. No it's a very worthy job, sounds like you are doing your job well!!

  9. I barely remember any of my previous employers - but I remember my mum quite well.

    So, from my perspective, being a mum is quite a prestigious and memorable role.

    Money is a means to an end, not a goal in itself. If you follow your desire for money through to its ultimate conclusion, it's a desire to be happy - and if looking after your child makes you happy, you're there already.

    Certainly, cash can make things easier on the way - but if the end destination is the same, who really cares?

  10. being a mum is obviously a wonderful thing to be

    but it is not a career or even a job is a labour of love and a life choice

    i am a teacher (that is my job) but i am also a mother .....

    you are right about juggling a career, family and social life - it is not easy

    i managed the job and family - although it was exhausting when my boys were young, but i did have support from my family .......but the social life went out of the window .......

    i wanted to work and financially it was the right thing to do .......but i did not feel the need to spend evenings out with friends too often when the boys were really small and family were enough

  11. Worthy, very worthy, your son is lucky.

    When my son was born I asked my wife to forget about working until he was at least in school. She used part of that time to do just what you say you want to do-more education. You can do it online.

    I beleive it paid off in great dividends. My son had his mom with him in his first years. She got to be with him and I believe they bonded better and he is better for it. As for her, I know she has a better job now than she ever had. I had peace of mind knowing my son was with his loving mother.

    I would have loved to have been able to do what she did but I couldn't afford it.

    Ignore the other people. Its your son and your life. Money is not everything and in the end you could be better off.

    My motehr stayed at home and raised three of us through highschool but I assure you she worked.

  12. only if you raise your children properly. TBH all you had to do was have s*x though- not that hard.

  13. A lot depends on how good a mum you are. Being a good mum is incalculably worthy, more so than any career.

  14. the most noble career there is , along side being a career dad .

  15. Motherhood is the most important job on earth...

  16. It's not a Career.

    But society acepts it as fine for mum's not to work until your child is old enough to go to school. Then you can get a career during the day when your child is at school!

  17. Don't be bullied, the future of the next generation is in your hands...

  18. I think it is the most worthy role there is.

  19. being "just" a mum is fine, but it isn't something to brag about either, which is what a lot of these n**i-mommies do nowadays.


  21. I think that people who tell you that can shove it where the sun doesn't shine!!

    Being a mother is the best, most rewarding, most important job in the world, and you do a d**n good job of it :)

  22. This is a very important job, you are doing the most difficult job ever, 24hrs non -stop. If you are happy looking after your son and dont need anything else.........for most of us, its more than enough.........then dont feel bad about what others say, just do what you want.

    Be proud you are "just a mum", afterall, thats all your son needs and wants you to be

    Be happy

  23. It is the BEST job in the world.

    It is the job most all woman want and many will never have.  It is the job that takes a woman that knows exactly what to do but can never get enough training.  It is the job that no one can understand until they have done it.  It is the job that God made possible for only females.  It is the job that will give you a life time of rewards.  It is a job that you can say you created............Need I say more!

  24. its the most important job in the world it sounds like you are doing an amazing job any time you feel worthless or a failure just look in your sons eyes and all will be right in the world because being his mum is the best most rewarding job in the world and dont forget it hunny xxxxxxx

  25. I think being a mum is the most amazing role to be blessed with in life, and to be successful you have to work your ruddy socks off - anything else is easy compared!

    I admit I do want it all, I started working 3 months ago and its made me realise that I want a great career eventually to make myself & my daughter proud. She's only 19 months so right now I work 16 hrs a week and she stays with the grandparents who absolubtley dote on her. For now thats enough for me, I have no hobbies either, she is my hobby- we have so much fun together I feel satisfied that I'm not missing out on anything.Also with being a working mum I have zero time or energy for much else-I do push myself sometimes but we are all happy with the situation.

    I think you should do what feels right for you, he's a lucky lad x

  26. Being a mum is undervalued today because men can't do it and discount it.  But's what's life about except people?

  27. I could patronise you by saying yes...but I wont.

  28. im a young single mum of two and there are always going to be people making you feel like a failure and ask why you havent persued a better careeer. personally whilst i would have loved to take certain career paths, my kids are my world and their happiness and well being is worth more to me than any hefty pay package. mums at home dont get enough recognition these days and need to be reminded its nothing to be ashamed of. go on girl and enjoy your sons precious years

  29. I think that our society needs mothers like you who place their child as top priority!

    When I'm a mummy I intend to be the same, I was raised with my mum at home, as was my partner, and we both believe that it's worth less income to raise our children the way we feel is right.

    (I know not everyone is as lucky as to be able to do this; I apologise if my view offends anyone)

    Our society places far too much emphasis on career and prestige, I think your doing the most important, and most significant job in the world!

  30. In my own experience, being a mother is the best role in life.  It's hard work, tiring, round-the-clock on-call duties, often thankless, and some of the tasks involve clearing up a lot of mess.............. but I've found it the most rewarding "job" in my life.  

    I didn't work when my 2 sons were growing up, not until the 2nd son was 15.  They are 27 and 24 now, and still very close to me.  The younger one is about to leave home shortly, and the elder one lives 3 doors away from me!

  31. I wouldn't call it a "career", but it is very worthy. Most thankless job on the planet, but I think it's the most rewarding.

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