
Do you think being a teacher could be a good career? I have a few questions?

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How often do they get paid? I mean is it on an hourly basis or how? And is it once per month, every week, every 2 weeks?

Secondly, if I were to get my masters of teaching from a us school and wanted to go abroad and teach, say in Germany, would I be able to find jobs there? I know there is a high demand here.

And if I were to go overseas, is there any particular area that might be more in need? Right now I want to do elementary education with a B.A. in Biology. Would elementary education be in need for instance, to the degree here, or would I be better off doing secondary education? I just happen to like little kids better.

Thanks a lot!




  1. I have taught in Illinois and Missouri and we get a salary and paid 2x a month. Not like the first person said. Ive never heard of that before. sucks for you :]  If biology is an interest to you, then secondary would better suit you. Elementary teachers cover all areas during the day.

  2. I can't answer the overseas stuff.  But teachers are salaried, and get paid once a month in most, if not all states.  And I don't know of any schools that teach biology in elementary school.

  3. I am also going for this goal in elementry teaching. So far I will be obtaining my AA in business in a few weeks and going for my BA in Psychology then my masters in education. I dont know which state you are in but it is a great idea to look up you state of education  department and see what hey require. For instance here in california your first two degrees can be in whatever you choose you just focus on your credentials after you are done with your first two degrees.

  4. Teaching is a noble career, BUT the school systems usually are grossly inadequate.  the administrators are more concerned with getting all the money due to them, the counsellors are interested in getting their paper work done so that they appear to be busy, and the cafeteria - well, we won't go there.

    I home educated my family for many of their years.  I know that the desire to teach is inborn, and that  I will teach anyone anything given half a chance.

    however, the culture of the 2000s is radically different from that of the 80s or even the 90s and you will find the students are shrill and unwilling to THINK.  Now, you may be ok with elem age, but once the kids are into middle and upper levels of primary ed (up to 18) in this day and age, they are moronic.  They have to have a technological device in the ears of in the hand, and having a face to face conversation is difficult for them.  God help the 2010s and the 20s

    OK, rant over!!

  5. Interesting you are getting a B.A. in Biology because that's what I did before I became an Elementary School Teacher. Does the bachelors degree you earn matter? Not really as long as you are educationally well rounded, dedicated, and willing to work long hours.

    I work in California and we get paid 10 times a year or 12 times a year, depending on how you want it done. You can earn extra money by working on after school committees or other paid adjunct duties. It's not much more but at least it's something. Of course, you could teach summer school too.

    My advice would be to go and volunteer in a real elementary classroom and spend time talking with teachers, administrators, parents, and students. Get the real picture of what a teaching career involves, not the one portrayed on news programs or in the movies. Don't make the mistake many people do by thinking since they went to school themselves, they know what teaching is like. Be sure this is the career for you before you commit to the long and expensive process of becoming a credentialed teacher. Teaching is not an easy job and only the most dedicated ones will truly be successful.

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