
Do you think being able to easily get over break ups is a good or bad thing?

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I think it's a good thing. Too often you hear stories of people who are in complete emotional and mental wrecks over a break up, they are so obsessed with that one person. Sometime it even goes as far as that person threatening committing suicide if it proceeds. Sad fact.

I don't understand why this is. If a break up occurred, it obviously happened for a reason and you need to just move on with life. I never had a problem getting over break ups and I have been criticized for it. Sure a break up sucks and all but seriously, it's not the end of the world. Move on.

Or maybe it's just me? Do you think I'm somehow being too blunt or lack human emotion for me to be feeling this way? You can be honest.




  1. I think It's ok but How did the people broke up with feel? I think the problem lies with not being able to move on. The people that are ready to move take breaks well but the people that aren't ready to move take it well.

  2. I think it should be somewhere in the middle. True, if you break up then it happened for a reason and was probably best but if you can wake up the next morning and don't at least yearn for that person then that to me says you never really cared for them to begin with.

    You need to have a good "mourning" period but you shouldn't let it take over your life or cause you to become neurotic and volatile.  It's ok and I would think even encouraged to cry and feel blue after breaking up but there comes a time when you need to buck up and face the world with your chin held high.

  3. I think it's a bad thing. When I love, I don't hold back. This had devastating repercussions when a relationship ends. However, I wouldn't change it for anything. I come out stronger and with so much more wisdom towards men, relationships, and life. My ability to love so passionately gives me depth.  

  4. Did you ever think that you might be shallow? So into a woman’s attributes that when you find out that she isn’t perfect, you don’t have a problem getting rid of her. The next time you fall for a woman, try to look beyond the surface. Playmates are fleeting. Soul mates are lasting.  

  5. Jazz, breaking up with somebody is a very sad experience. Especially if you have been with this person for a long period of time. Everybody is different on how they handle things. Just like when a loved one passes on, very sad and difficult times. Yes, we have to move on this is true but we also have to have a good feeling inside of ourselves to make the move right for each of us as individuals. You are just lucky that you can swing your emotions easier than most.

  6. Well, good and bad. Good for you. But maybe you haven't actually found someone that you care for too much yet... I know how you feel!

  7. Thats a very good question to be asking because there is many ways for this to be answered, because it all depends on how the relationship went. Sure you have been able to get over a break up quickly, but was it because you broke up with the person or did the person break up with you? Did you both want this, or just one of you? Now guys are more likely to get over it faster because it's a guy thing, with women they tend to dwell over it for longs periods of time because they have more emotions then men, but it doesn't make a guy a p***y if it takes him a long time either. Trust me sooner or later you will find someone, that when you break up, it would take you a long time to get over it. Now here's a question for you, if you break up with somenone, do you just don't want to remember the entire relationship you had, or do you want to keep those great memiores you had with that person? You'd be surprise on what people choose. you have to remember it's not just the break up your getting over, it's the whole relationship. To answer your question, I think it's a good thing to get over it quickly if it was a bad relationship, but a bad thing if it was a great relationship.

  8. I think it is a good thing.  Dwelling on unhappiness can never be good. I am optimistic always and know that things will get better and it is best to move forward.

  9. A great thing!

  10. I suppose I'm one who gets over break-ups easily too.  I think it's because I don't try to deceive myself in thinking that I can get my partner back or that I'm worth nothing if I'm not with my partner.  There's always a reason for a break up.  For me, the only thing I can do is mourn the end of the relationship then move on.  Sure, it can take a while.  But if I let myself feel whatever emotions I feel, they tend to pass quickly.

  11. good

  12. rarararararararararararararar

  13. On one side it is a good thing. But also it means that you have no real feelings for the other person. A good way of getting over a break up is to accept it, cry over it, and move on. For the people that are "obsessed" with their partner after the break-up, it is more denial. Though It really depends on the situation. Time length of the relationship, the emotional well being of both people involved before the relationship began, and how much they really depend on the other one for survival. So, to make a long story short their is no direct answer for you, unless you can give more details.

  14. I think it's a good thing because you don't end up depressed and so forth, but I agree with what others are saying: that you might think it's easy to get over a break up, but that might be because you haven't had a truly substantial relationship yet.  Spend a few years with someone and break up or go through a divorce, your attitude might be a wee bit different.

  15. I don't think it's a good thing if you feel absolutely nothing; that would say a lot about the kinds of relationships you have. But if you are able to get over it at some point, of course it's great.

  16. good thing- because all girls do is sit in there room and eat icecream while crying

  17. You obviously have not been in love which turns the rational into the erratic

  18. its actually good if you easily can because if you don't you're gonna have a horrible time getting through it like crying, worrying, stress, and anxiety and stuff. The longer it takes, the more harder time you're giving yourself.

  19. I would say if you got over it immediately, there wasn't much there to begin with. But pining away for months isn't healthy either. So if I had only two choices, I would say getting over it quickly and moving on is the best.

  20. good thing no one wants to have an ugly breakup.

  21. It can be both.

    There are multiple factors including, not able to bond with others , personality, the relationship in general.

    I heard once that guys fall hard in love just not as easily as women do.

    Also it would depend on how much emotional investment was put into the relationship. Children, house, bank accounts you worked all your life for, etc. ... Might make someone kind of nutty.

  22. Oh, trust it a good thing.  

  23. it's sometimes a great quality to have.

    like when it's a mutual decision, and no one was happy being in the relationship.

    but when its like....your fiancee leaves you for the wedding planner, that's sad.

  24. I think it all depends on the previous relationship. If you were with someone for say like 10 months and you were over it in a couple of days, then that might be a little strange, and make you question whether you really committed to the relationship or not.

    If it was only for like 2 months then i'd say its good that you got over it.  

  25. It is a good thing. It proves you are stronger than you think, emotionally and mentally. You are absolutely right, a break up is not the end of the world and one should move on with their life. Your not being too blunt I feel the same way. This proves people like you and I are strong. I also feel it is better to be dumped than to dump someone. When you dump someone, sooner or later you feel the sadness and regret. Ask my ex-girl she so regretted dumping me. She told me she missed me so much, and thinks about me more than ever. But I told her sorry your lost. you made your decision, you live with your decision.  

  26. there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. we all handle life diferently. you have a great quality that many of us wish we had

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