
Do you think being pretty on the outside is a curse? read the details?

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seems like it is- like people base a person's worth on what's on the outside- and when your really pretty people stare a lot and say that if you were with them, you'd make pretty kids- hit on you a lot, smile at you a lot, cheat on their boyfriend/girlfriend to be with you- then want you for what they see on the outside, that's all- like your face and body- not your mind, they don't care about your thoughts- just s*x- and the only reason many people talk to you is because they think you are cute or handsome-

its happened to me- some of these things- that's why i asked-

and no i am not posting pics of myself!

do you think sometimes it is a curse?




  1. no, if u feel its a curse, then it will be a curse

  2. Not exactly a curse. You were born with good features. I was born with good features too and for a while I thought about it like you are but you can't blame your looks. Rise above it.  

  3. Not at all I was just blessed with good looks. However I was one of those pretty people when I was younger. I had men hitting on me all the time left and right. and NEVER had to pay for my drinks when I would go to the bar back in the day. I knew the one thing they wanted and it was not love. So I turned to God and got out of that lifestyle.

    Since I have gotten older I have put on quite a bit of weight. I dont like it by any means.  but I do take care of  myself try to eat right, keep bathed and wear makeup and nice reasonabley priced clothes. . (I dont believe in letting myself go). I really would like to loose wieght for health reasons though. It is harder to loose when you get older and a pain in the behind. Take my word for it. If you nip it in the bud at you age you will conquer it.

    But at least  I am happily married to a faithful man.

    Looks do fade and it is the etenal spirit that will last.

  4. yees

  5. i understand where your coming from and yes it's very superficial for people to judge on looks. However, when you become interested in someone the first thing you notice is they're looks so in that case being good looking is an advantage. My advice? be yourself and get to know the people who really want to get to know you and just ignore the ones that start and comment they're not worth your time :)  

  6. I'm extremely goodlooking and I find it's a big advantage. Ugly people have no friends and tend to attract negative attitudes. I try to avoid them as far as possible.

  7. I think being pretty is big advantage.  Sure, it has it's drawbacks at times, but being ugly would be way more burdensome.  

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