
Do you think being the BEST i.e. outclassing the rest, would actually be a perfect definition for PERFECTION?

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because in REALISTIC sense there's nothing else to define it!

or is there?




  1. Being the best means you are better then anyone else. being perfect means making or having no mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, even if they are just little ones. therefore in a realisc sense, perfect doesn't exist in a human way. You ca have a perfect thing, but not a perfect person

  2. Flawlessness does exist, but it is defeasible, meaning when new data exists which leads to a changing of the standard of "flawlessness," then the flawless becomes flawed.

    For all intents and purposes, a flower may be flawless if it meets the standards set for that species. A man's actions may be flawless, such as Michael Phelps' becoming the athlete with the most Olympic awards. You don't do something like that with flawed methods of swimming or flawed strategies for winning.

    But perfection is of that sort is indefeasible. If, in the future, someone wins more medals than Phelps, as Phelps won more than Mark Spitz, for example, that does not make Phelps' or Spitz' performances less than perfect. Perfect is as perfect does, and each of those men met the standards of their day and took home the gold.

    THAT is what "outclassing" the rest is about.

  3. No, you'd only be perfect in your ego as any trite comparison had no meaning whatsoever in the reality that pervades existence.

  4. Everything in the world has EXCEPTION..For example..;

    If Bermuda wins against Hongkong in Cricket,at that instance Bermuda is the best..Its because of poor opponent..If it wins against any other top team,we can say its a perfect victory..

    We can't apply this theory everywhere..

  5. i believe perfection is a matter of opinion

  6. To excel in life one must be free in spirit. Perfection is not subjected as those it shines its light upon, in their imperfection will seek to deride what is acclaimed as perfection. Perfect beings subjected to the masses in the form or guise of prophets and messiahs rarely fare well and their coming is caused by a prevalent evil will.

    The Messiah may be absolutely successful in accomplishing the perfection of mankind yet the evil will rise up in the guise of malcontents and antagonists’s and destroy one deemed as perfect.

    Knowing the source of all uprising assists in dealing with the roused rabble, yet ultimately the God souls incline homewards and ardency and rabid ambition gives the h***s minion’s greater power in attaining the elimination of good to secure privilege for evil. Thus the world remains in h**l.

    If one is considered well at ones craft it is mindful to remember boastfulness in the stead of humility and pride cause mans downfall. True goodness see’s its reflection is all humanity surrounding it.

  7. It depends. Most of the time if you're the 'best' then eventually someone will come and outclass you. So being the best won't really make you perfect. There will still be flaws, faults etc and eventually someone will take over you.

    I don't think my answer makes a lot of sense.

  8. You're basically right. That's a very realistic and practical way to look at it. Sometimes, I like to think perfection is within our own heads. If you think about it, we're the only ones who truly define perfection for ourselves. Something we think is perfect, another person might be against. I guess perfection lies in our mind's boundaries.

    The PERFECT definition for perfection might never be found (lol). However, I do think that your thought is true in some instances.

    Was that confusing? Who knew perfection could confuse one so much? lol =)

  9. lol in some ways yes! But not all,

    but I prefer accomplishment

    without arrogance!

  10. I never bothered at all for outclassing others

  11. I would rather use flawless instead, but that's just opinion.

  12. Some athletes have been able to achieve this.  Micheal Jordan & Tiger Woods come to mind.  This swimmer in the olympics also has done it.

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