
Do you think beth phoenix will be a future IC champ?

by  |  earlier

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i do because all the powerhouse women have (chyna for example)

do you guys agree?

WQ: if beth does win the IC title do you think she will win it off santino as a storyline? (her breaking up with him or something)





  1. This was a good question, and i think it could be possible Beth Phoenix could become Intercontinental, where i have been realizeing  WWE has been testing, to see how  fans  will feel with Beth Phoenix fighting against male wrestlers. now the only male wrestler Beth has been attacking lately is Santino. but she does get great fan reaction by doing that.

    Also  it's a funny how Beth Phoenix gets booed by beating up the other Divas, but when she attacking a male wrestler.  she is getting cheered loudly, so  Beth is not a true heel, but more like a tweener towards the fans.  and with this reaction she been getting, i expect WWE to use this for probably there ratings.

    So i think it could happen

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