
Do you think bicycles should be allowed in traffic?

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Whenever I drive to work, there always seems to be someone holding up the road because he (or she) decides to ride their bicycle in the street (in traffic), usually an old man and it gets irritating when kids ride them in the street.

Why can't they just ride on the sidewalk? There are no bike routes where I live, at least not the area of the town I live in.

What do you think, do you think they should be allowed? Why or why not?




  1. I have ridden tens of thousands of miles on my bike and I can tell you that riding a straight line down the side of the road is a heck of a lot safer than trying to swerve and avoid everyone on the sidewalks.  At least bikes and cars are going in the same direction.  On a sidewalk there are people walking every direction, people stopping (randomly), kids running around, baby strollers....etc.

    When I ride, I ride straight, consistent and fast and I am aware of traffic around me.  That being said, the street is no place for a new cyclist out for a Sunday stroll.  Bikes are a part of traffic and should act as such.

  2. no..they should ride on the sidewalk. They are going to get them self killed. Even if you go around the old guy riding the bike he might hit a bump and fall over & still get killed. Just take the bus or walk.

  3. The Department of Transportation, and most states define bicycles as vehicles, with the same rights and responsibilities as motor vehicles. Many areas prohibit bicycles on sidewalks. Accept it.

  4. They should be allowed as they are the future of individual transportation. What is missing is the controls over the other traffic on the road to make cycle use safe.

  5. Personally no, it is very unsafe for a person riding a bike in traffic........

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